I am pleased to say that knowledge of, and interest in, the Fife Pilgrim Way continues to grow. Over the winter I wrote a new practical guidebook for the route which is now on sale online and in the Abbey shop. I have attended various events here and in Germany to promote our Pilgrim way and also have given talks to a variety of groups. I can report that churches along the way are continuing to see how they might develop their hospitality to pilgrims. Ceres church has architectural plans drawn up which includes pilgrim accommodation as they look to reorder their building.
I continue to lead walks which have included walks during Lent, walks for a couple of veterans organisations as well as some church congregations. It was particularly good to walk with a group of Roman Catholic pilgrims from Motherwell who walked from that town to St Andrews over ten weeks. It was great to bring them into the Abbey and other protestant churches along the way and to talk about our shared faith together.
The highlight for me this year was a five-day pilgrimage along the whole route in May staying in churches and church halls. Eleven of us made that journey sleeping on camp beds each night and enjoying the opportunity to walk, pray, eat and share fellowship together. It was great to experience the hospitality of churches along the way and I know all who took part really enjoyed the experience despite some inclement weather. All went home rejoicing in how God had been at work in our lives during that week. I will repeat that 5 day pilgrimage during the last week of August, so if you or you know anyone who would like to come along do get in touch with me.
I am also working with Fife Coast and Countryside Trust and Fife Tourism on a new pilgrims passport which pilgrims will carry and collect individual stamps from churches, and businesses along the way.
Looking forward it is hoped that the Pilgrim Pastor position will continue, and the steering group will be applying for funding from the Church of Scotland “Seeds for growth” fund.
Revd Duncan Weaver Pilgrimpastorfife@gmail.com, Facebook: Pilgrim Pastor fife
Click here to see more information and highlights of the pilgrim pastorate.
Revd Duncan Weaver was licensed and commissioned in Ceres on 30th November 2022
This appointment marks an historic first – the first Pilgrim Pastorate in Scotland.
Click here to see highlights of the licensing/commissioning.
And click here to see a full video of the service.
Watch for more information on this exciting new ministry on the Pilgrim Pastorate page.
For further information click this link for the Diocesan Pilgrimage 2022 Leaflet: Pilgrimage Leaflet 2022
Where in the Diocese is Bishop Ian?
Click on the above link to find out!
For an introduction to this pilgrimage, watch the video below and click HERE
Follow his recent visits on the Pilgrim’s Progress page HERE
See the the video playlist HERE
For further information please contact Rev Gennie Evans at rev.gen@btinternet.com
Diocesan pilgrims joined together on the Fife Pilgrim Way from Ceres to St Andrews on 10th September 2021, led by guides Revd Alasdair Coles and Nick Cooke.
The Celtic Blessing given by Revd Anne Haselhurst at the Hallow Hill stop on the pilgrimage on Friday.
Celtic Blessing – Hallow Hill FPW 2021
It was agreed that, for a variety of practical and other reasons, the planned St Andrews Pilgrimage to should be curtailed to a 1 day walk on Friday 10th September along the Ceres to St Andrews section of the Fife Pilgrim Way. This was in effect a repeat of the Pilgrimage organised in July 2018.
COST (as of 29th March 2022)
(incl. return rail fares, Bed & Breakfast accommodation and cathedral tours)
Single pilgrim: £450
Pilgrim couple sharing: £800
Deposit DUE 30th APRIL: £200
Contact pilgrimage@standrews.anglican.org
Apart from breakfast, all other food and drink at own cost.
Every day there will be plenty of time to pause and visit pilgrim churches along the Way (and for rest stops in pubs!) which are all part of the pilgrimage experience.
5th July
0911 Lumo train from Edinburgh Waverley to London Kings Cross
1425 London St Pancras to Rochester
Check in at the Travelodge before exploring the city for a late lunch or last minute items to take on the pilgrimage.
1730 Evening Prayer / Evensong at the Cathedral and short ‘William’ tour
6th July
Walking from Rochester to Thurnham (9 miles)
(Evening prayer in St Mary Magdalene, Gillingham.)
Overnight stay at the Black Horse Inn, Thurnham
7th July
Walk from Thurham to Lenham (7.5 miles)
(Evening prayer in Lenham)
Overnight stay at the Dog & Bear Inn, Lenham
8th July
Walk from Lenham to Chilham (12 miles)
(Evening prayer in Chilham)
Overnight stay at the Woolpack Inn
9th July
Walk from Chilham to Canterbury (6.5 miles)
3.30pm Evening Prayer / Evensong at the Cathedral followed by a tour (maybe up to the cathedral roof space as well?)
Overnight stay in the Cathedral Gatehouse Hotel
10th July
Morning Prayer & Sung Eucharist in the Cathedral
Lunch together at Strada
1426 train from Canterbury West to London St Pancras
1613 Lumo train from London Kings Cross to Edinburgh Waverley
Guided Pilgrimage by Car and Bike
The Diocese of St Andrews Dunkeld and Dunblane
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