Diocesan Officials

The Bishop The Right Revd Ian Paton bishop@standrews.anglican.org 01738 580426
The Dean The Very Revd Graham Taylor dean@standrews.anglican.org 01738 634999
Synod Clerk The Revd Canon Dr Alasdair Coles rector@allsaints-standrews.org.uk 01334 473193
Provost Vacant 01738 443173
Chancellor Vacant
Registrar Mr Paul Keith j@hmitchell.co.uk
Diocesan Secretary Refer to Bishop’s PA bishopsec@standrews.anglican.org 01738 580426

Diocesan Office Bearers

Diocesan Child &
Vulnerable Adults
Protection Office
Ian Boa pvg@standrews.anglican.org
Diocesan Warden of
Lay Readers
Lis Burke layreaderswarden@standrews.anglican.org
Bishop’s PA Ms Holly Scott bishopsec@standrews.anglican.org


Cathedral Chapter

The Very Revd Graham Taylor dean@standrews.anglican.org 01738 634999
The Revd Canon Dr Alasdair Coles rector@allsaints-standrews.org.uk 01334 473193
The Revd Canon Christine Fraser rector@stpeterskirkcaldy.org.uk
The Revd Canon Liz Baker bethmaybaker@yahoo.co.uk 01796 472005
The Revd Canon Elaine Garman
The Revd Canon Christoph Wutscher  christoph.wutscher@hotmail.com
The Revd Canon Nerys Brown rector@stmarysdunblane.org

Honorary Canons

The Revd Canon Celia Matthews
The Revd Canon Kenny Rathband
The Revd Canon Professor Trevor Hart
The Very Revd Canon Hunter Farquharson
Lay Canon Dr John Ferguson Smith

Conveners of Boards and Committees

Diocesan Standing Committee The Bishop
Diocesan Administration Board Mr Brendan Grimley
Diocesan Buildings Committee The Dean
Mission Board The Revd Canon Liz Baker
Ministry Board The Revd Canon Nerys Brown
Diocesan Environment Group (DEG) The Revd Canon Elaine Garman
Pilgrimage Committee The Bishop
Global Partnership Group The Revd Robert Harley
Diocesan Communications Group James Gardner




