Labyrinth Walking Evening
St James Dollar Harviestoun Road, DollarLabyrinth Walking Dollar Poster
Labyrinth Walking Dollar Poster
Fife PW - SEC Diocesan Pilgrimage 2018 Info (final) Booking Form for Diocesan Pilgrimage Families Booking form
Concert at St Mary’s, Aberfoyle - 100 Years of Baroque Music 19th August 2018 3 - 4 pm Entry by Donation We are REALLY lucky to have two superb musicians visit St Mary's on 19th August. Alistair Warwick - Organ Alistair's passion is enabling people of all abilities to make music. He is Conductor of […]
Following an excellent response to our appeal for photographs, an exhibition of fifty photographs will be displayed in locations around the diocese. The launch event in each of the host churches will include a reflection by photographer and Lay Reader, Ian Scott, from St Margaret's Leven, and time to pray together with the photographs, as […]
Scottish Fiddle Concert 16th September 2018 - 3 - 4 p.m. at St Mary’s - Aberfoyle We are looking forward to what undoubtedly be another wonderful concert from Alastair Savage and his Friends. The line-up will be: Alastair Savage - fiddle Iain Crawford - double bass Euan Drysdale – Guitar and Piano And possibly also […]