I’m writing to invite you to participate in Doors Open Days, with 2021’s (repeated from last year) theme to be the Scottish Year of Coasts & Waters. If you would like to open your doors to the public for free this September 18th & 19th (in Perth & Kinross) for the free publicity this can bring to your venue then please follow this link to find the application form;


Please note the deadline for applications is Sat June 12th

More info at https://www.doorsopendays.org.uk/

Or please get in touch if you have any questions.



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Please pray for St Ninian’s, Alyth; St Michael’s, Ballintuim; St Catharine’s, Blairgowrie; and St Anne’s, Coupar Angus; and for their new Rector Rev’d Kim Lafferty, as she is instituted by Bishop Ian on Sunday 20th June, 2021.

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Tuesday 15th June 2021 2 – 5 p.m.

In 2019 the SEC began a new formal discernment process for ordained and lay reader ministry (with other authorised ministries discerned within this process). The PDO, Revd Canon Ian Barcroft will outline the practical steps for discernment, and offer some insight into the selection of future clergy and lay readers in the SEC. He will also introduce the pathways for formation and training at SEI for potential students. Join us for a Study Day on these new processes and join a conversation about vocation and how best to encourage discernment within the local church.

If you would like to be part of this Study Session please let me know at bishopsec@standrews.anglican.org

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Pentecost blessings!

Thanks to all those who have responded to the digital mission and assessment surveys this month!  Just over half of the charges in the diocese have replied so far and a number of others have been in touch as they are actively considering their situations.  I am working through them as swiftly as possible, with particular focus on those who wish to make an application for the Renewal and Recovery Fund.  A reminder that applications should be submitted to Carol at the diocese by 16th July.

Thank you for your patience, I appreciate all your efforts to assess your digital presence and mission.  Surveys and digital communications do not replace the need for personal contact, but they do help to identify areas of priority for more effective and timely engagement, especially when it is not possible to be in so many places or to have so many conversations at once.

If you have not heard from me directly yet in response to your completed survey, you can expect me to be in touch with you over the next week.  But please don’t wait to contact me in the meantime if you have immediate needs.  Once the initial push for getting funding applications submitted is over, I also look forward to getting in touch with the rest of our congregations and visiting each of you when possible!

What I am hearing from you…

In addition to supporting those who wish to make an application for funding, the surveys are helping me to identify priority areas of focus beyond that.

Based on responses so far, the most important or pressing needs seem to be:

  • Equipping for digital broadcast or livestream of public worship.
  • Website setup or updating.
  • People! Finding and training a team to assist.

I hear you, and am considering ways to best support you in these efforts, including building a network of resources that can be leveraged across the diocese, best practices guidelines and ‘webinar’ type training.  Watch for more details!

Many have also expressed a poignant desire to care for the members of your congregation and their needs before considering new or updated outreach efforts, digital or otherwise.  This serves as a reminder that behind the digital push to stay connected within and beyond our communities is our mission to love those whom God has given us – fellow-Christians, neighbours, co-workers, strangers.  At the heart of ‘digital mission’ is mission, and I am committed to support you in yours.

At the diocesan level, we are also undertaking similar assessments and considerations, keeping in mind OUR mission as

a thriving group of hopeful, caring and committed congregations whose shared life, worship and effective engagement with people and issues in their communities attracts growing numbers of people from diverse backgrounds to share the values and work of our church.’

May it be so.

With every blessing on your digital pilgrimage,


Karen McClain Kiefer

Diocesan Digital Missioner



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General Synod 2021 to take place over two days

General Synod will again take place online this year, as it did in 2020. However, the schedule will cover two days on Thursday 10 and Friday 11 June, instead of the single day event that was held last December.

Business will start at 9am each day and is expected to run until approximately mid to late afternoon.

There will be breaks during the course of each day including a substantial lunchtime break, and Synod members will participate in a number of breakout groups for discussion and debate.

The General Synod agenda and papers will be issued in mid-May. The agenda is expected to include matters such as future vision and strategy for the church as we emerge from the pandemic, the approval of liturgies which have been subject to experimental use in recent years, ecumenical relations, a report on the triennial valuation of the Pension Fund, consideration of resources to assist the church in working towards carbon neutrality by 2030, debate about the church’s process for electing bishops (Canon 4), a range of clergy personnel matters including stipend, and ethical investment.

Further information about the meeting will be issued to Synod members in the coming weeks, including instructions about how the virtual aspects of the meeting will be handled but they will be broadly similar to last year. Feedback from the first virtual hosting has been considered carefully, to find ways to improve the event.

Those who are not Synod members will be able to watch a live stream of the meeting.

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During Lent 2021 the Diocesan Youth Committee ran a competition entitled “Church of the Future” and judged by an independent panel of Judges:

  • The Right Revd Ian Paton, Bishop of The Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane;
  • The Revd Elaine Garman, Rector of St John’s Forfar and a member of the Provincial Church in Society Committee;
  • Mr Neil Gaunt, member of the Diocesan Buildings Committee;
  • The Revd David Colman, Chaplain to Eco-Congregation Scotland.

The competition remit was for the entrants to share their ideas for a Carbon Neutral Church and these could be submitted in any medium.

The Judges met in early May and after considerable deliberation, the following places were awarded:

1st Place and a £50 voucher – Hannah Buxel, St Mary’s Dunblane

2nd Place and a £25 voucher – Esther Holsteen, St Andrews, St Andrews.

3rd Place and a £15 – Georgie Reid, St Saviours, Bridge of Allan; Jude Holsteen, St Andrews, St Andrews, and Penelope Lang, St Andrews, St Andrews.

Vouchers and congratulations will soon be winging their way to the recipients.

Whilst the number of entries were low, the judges were impressed by the variety and innovative ideas submitted by the entries which were by telling a story; comic strip, art, video and presentation.

These are some of the comments which the judges gave;

  • “very picturesque piece of prose”
  • “beautifully drawn”
  • “lovely way of integrating movement and speech”
  • “novel idea of using a comic strip”
  • “liked prayers; the point of Church is people.”

Well done to all our entrants and a huge thank you to the judges for giving of their time. Individual entries will be featured in the Diocesan e-News in the coming months.

To view the winning entry please click the link below:

Church of The Future – Winning entry

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