This is a reminder for anyone who would like to send me an article for our next Interfaith Scotland bi-annual newsletter. These articles should cover interfaith events or faith-based events taking place between March and July 2021 that you would like to share with the public. The deadline for articles is Monday 26th July so you have just under two weeks to send these in.


Thanks and best wishes


National Development Officer

Interfaith Scotland

Flemington House

110 Flemington Street

Glasgow G21 4BF


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The new Rector of the East Perthshire Group of Churches (Alyth, Blairgowrie, Ballintuim and Coupar Angus), Rev’d Kim Lafferty was instituted on Sunday 20th June at 11.00 am at St Michael, Ballintuim, by Bishop Ian Paton.  Please pray for Kim and the congregations as she takes up her new ministry. Kim is very welcome as she joins the Diocese from Manchester.

One of the congregation said it was: ‘a wonderful “country” Institution , up there in the hills, a superb occasion for all of us who were able to witness Kim’s joining us.

A huge blessing to be a part of the quiet, dignified ceremony amongst the birdsong and the wilds of Perthshire. It is one of those events that will never be forgotten.’

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On Pentecost Sunday Bishop Ian celebrated the Eucharist at St Serf’s in Burntisland and just before the service began took the opportunity to formally authorise Rev. Carol Latimer as Assistant Priest at St Serf’s, which is part of the All Souls linked charge (Priest-in-Charge Rev. Dean Norby).

After the service the congregation gathered – with appropriate social distancing!- in the small church garden where Bishop Ian dedicated a large mural painted by Susan Smith, a local artist who is a member of the congregation. The painting, which is called “Meditation on a Rainbow”, has been installed on the East end of the church and is clearly visible from the main road which runs past the building. It is part of St Serf’s programme of outreach to the local community during lockdown.

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The new Rector of the East Perthshire Group of Churches (Alyth, Blairgowrie, Ballintuim and Coupar Angus) is the Revd Kim Lafferty. Kim will be Instituted on Sunday 20 June at 11.00am at St Michael, Ballintuim, but sadly, because of Covid restrictions, it is not possible to invite Diocesan clergy and readers. But please pray for Kim and the congregations as she arrives and takes up her new ministry. Kim is very welcome as she joins the Diocese from Manchester.

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