Pentecost Sunday at St Serf’s, Burntisland

Pentecost Sunday at St Serf’s, Burntisland

On Pentecost Sunday Bishop Ian celebrated the Eucharist at St Serf’s in Burntisland and just before the service began took the opportunity to formally authorise Rev. Carol Latimer as Assistant Priest at St Serf’s, which is part of the All Souls linked charge (Priest-in-Charge Rev. Dean Norby).

After the service the congregation gathered – with appropriate social distancing!- in the small church garden where Bishop Ian dedicated a large mural painted by Susan Smith, a local artist who is a member of the congregation. The painting, which is called “Meditation on a Rainbow”, has been installed on the East end of the church and is clearly visible from the main road which runs past the building. It is part of St Serf’s programme of outreach to the local community during lockdown.




