What's On

Chrism Mass

St Ninian's Cathedral North Methven Street, PERTH, PERTHSHIRE, United Kingdom

The Chrism Mass this year is at St Ninian’s Cathedral on Maundy Thursday 28th March at 11.00 am. At this service the Oil of Chrism (for Baptism) and the Oil of Healing (for the Sacrament of Healing) are consecrated, the Clergy re-affirm the promises of their Ordination, and Lay Readers re-affirm the commitment made at their […]

Scottish Episcopal Church Pilgrimage to the Holy Land 2nd – 13th April 2024

The Revd Canon Cedric Blakey is making arrangements for a another Provincial Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 2024.   He states:   Working with McCabe Pilgrimages who provide secure travel arrangements including partnership with a Palestinian Christina company in the Holy Land which books the hotels, lunch stops, coach and driver, and our professional local guide.  […]

Anyone involved in Rise Up campaign. Supporter session Thursday 18th April at 1pm

Supporter session Thursday 18th of April Zoom Link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82756981796?pwd=L0greEpSOHlheTFlbVlqdWZYbFJ3UT09  1pm                      Welcome and worship 1.15pm                ‘Looking after yourself’ Session by Emma Scott from Restored Short comfort break 2pm-2.30pm      Break out rooms what are you enjoying about the RISE UP campaign? What is your motivation for the work you are doing? Have you had any […]


Holy Trinity Church, Stirling 6 Albert Place, Stirling, United Kingdom

Please pray for the Revd Ian Boa and his family, as he is ordained Priest, at Holy Trinity, Stirling on 21 April at 3.00 pm. Clergy are welcome to robe (alb and white stole) and lay readers also - please inform the Diocesan Office if you are coming.

Music at St Mary’s, Aberfoyle

St Mary's, Aberfoyle

Our next concert is on Sunday 21st April. It will be performed by the Palisander Recorder Quartet, all the way from London. If, like me, you thought the recorder was an annoyingly squeaky toy someone handed to you in primary school, you will be in for a revelation! The sometime-styled  "Early Music’s very own Spice […]