What's On


St Ninian's Cathedral North Methven Street, PERTH, PERTHSHIRE, United Kingdom

Diocesan Synod This year’s Diocesan Synod will be held in St Ninian’s Cathedral, Perth and will be in person.  The date for Synod is 11th March 2023.  Papers have been sent to Synod members, if you wish to attend, please let Jenny Campbell know via email:  office@standrews.anglican.org or via phone 01738 580426.

Concert – St Mary’s, Aberfoyle – 19 March 2023

A note to tell you about our next concert, in just under two weeks time: "A star is born - The Making of Kitty Clive". a musical biography of Britain's first celebrity songster. This will be something rather different from our usual fare. It will be a 'musical re-enactment' of the life and times of […]