What's On


Moving On Online, 25 January (9.30am-1pm) For clergy seeking a new post. This online, forum-style, event will offer clergy insights into the tricky subject of moving jobs. Starting from Scripture, we will explore the discernment process as well as the practicalities of completing good applications and handling interviews well. Book at www.cpas.org.uk/events.

Holocaust Memorial Scotland

For further information please click the link below: Holocaust Memorial Scotland 2022 Events

CPAS Training Event

Leading with Vulnerability Online, 27 January (9.15am-12.30pm) Building on both personal experience and research into vulnerability within leadership, we explore the importance of being vulnerable, especially among Millennials, and ways to become appropriately vulnerable that reflect individual preferences and the situations we lead within. Book at www.cpas.org.uk/belowthesurface.