We are REALLY lucky to have two superb musicians visit St Mary’s on 19th August.
Alistair Warwick – Organ
Alistair’s passion is enabling people of all abilities to make music. He is Conductor of the Stirling University Choir, Organist & Director of Music at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Stirling, and Conductor of the newly-formed RHET Factor Choir. He founded the Dunblane Chamber Orchestra in 2008, and conducted them in their first three concerts. Alistair first played the organ at the age of 10, at Christ Church, Sidcup.
Ulrike Wutscher – Mezzo Soprano
Ulrike Wutscher is an Austrian mezzo-soprano based in Scotland. She regularly appears in opera productions. Additionally to her appearance as an opera singer she also shows great interest in performing lieder and oratorio. She is a keen recitalist and concert singer and has performed in world-renowned venues including the Musikverein in Vienna and St-Martin-in-the-Fields in London. She is equally at home performing music of the baroque, classical and romantic periods.
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