I would like to invite as many people as possible from every Charge to attend the Gathering. The Gathering is a time to express that we belong together in a Church that extends beyond our own congregation and that we are called to support and encourage one another in neighbouring Charges and in the Diocese.
At each of the Gatherings there will be worship, arranged by members of the Area Council, workshops at which I and members of the Diocese will give information and invite comments and questions about plans for Pilgrimage in 2022, and for Climate Change action in the next few years. We will be giving you practical ideas and resources to take back to your Congregations.
Please make sure everyone in your congregation knows about your Area Gathering, and if possible responds to your Area Council as requested in the information sent out, or to the Diocesan Office who will pass on the responses (office@standrews.anglican.org).
With warm regards and thanks,
Bishop Ian