Commissioning Service in Newburgh


We joined with the Presbytery of Fife recently to celebrate the beginning of a new ministry in Newburgh and Lindores, where the Revd Valerie Walker was commissioned as a Pioneer Ecumenical Community Chaplain.

Bishop Ian wrote:
I am so very sorry that ill health has prevented me from being present this evening. I am grateful to the Dean of our Diocese, the Very Revd Graham Taylor, for his willingness to stand in for me, and to the Moderator, Jim Reid, and the Clerk, David Coulter, for all their work to make this Commissioning possible.
This is such an important day for our two Churches, for the Diocese and Presbytery and for the Church in Newburgh and Lindores. After the St Andrew declaration committed us to work more closely together in service to the Gospel in our communities, Valerie’s Commissioning this evening, as Pioneer Ecumenical Community Chaplain, is sponsored by both the Presbytery and the Diocese. As a Scottish Episcopal ordained priest, Valerie will now be able to share her ministry of Word and Sacrament with the congregations in her care, and to serve the whole Church in Newburgh and Lindores.
I pray for Valerie’s new ministry that begins this evening, for her congregations and communities, and for the continuing partnership of the Diocese and Presbytery over many years to come, and in many other places in Fife.
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Winning Entry from Hannah Buxel

Winning Entry from Joanna Drage

Many congratulations to Hannah Buxel from St Mary’s Dunblane and to Joanna Drage from St Andrew’s St Andrews, joint winners of the Diocesan Youth Committee Competition to design an image for a Christmas e-card. Both girls will receive a £50 voucher of their choice.

Hannah’s entry will be used as the office Diocesan Christmas card and Joanna’s entry will be used on Diocesan social media over the Christmas period.

Thank you to both girls for entering, and well done!

Christine Fraser, Convenor

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The Coming of the Christ

As we observe Advent and Christmas in the twenty-first century, it is worth reviewing a first-century Christian take on the coming of the Christ by rereading some of Christianity’s oldest texts, particularly the Gospels. If we lament Christianity’s waning in a post-Christian age, it is worth asking what Christians projected in a pre-Christian age.

What did our forebears in the faith think about the coming of the Christ before the disciples were called ‘Christians’ (Acts 11.26)?

This Series considers this question in three parts. First, what Jesus means when he says that he has come down to earth from heaven (Jn 6.38). On the one hand, the coming of the Christ had been anticipated in Judaism for centuries; on the other hand, the first Christians had to interpret the Old Testament to read the signs of their times. Second, Jesus tells us he came to save the world (Jn 3.17). The coming of the Christ, in what St Paul calls ‘the fullness of time’ (Gal. 4.4–7), inaugurates a series of events yet unfinished until the Christ comes again ‘that God may be all in all’ (1 Cor. 15.28). Third, Simeon prophesies bewilderingly about the Christ child. Whilst Simeon rejoices in the salvation wrought in the Christ, who is ‘revelation for the Gentiles’ and ‘glory for Israel’, he discloses that the baby Jesus is ‘a sign of contradiction’ (Lk. 2.25–36).

The Series is offered on the Mondays of Advent 2023 at 7pm (GMT) on YouTube as a resource for individuals or groups to use creatively during the Season of Advent.

Presenter: Rev Prof Michael Hull, Principal and Pantonian Professor of Divinity, Scottish Episcopal Institute.

  1. The Christ: God come down to earth(Monday 4 December 2023)
  2. The Christ: God come to save us (Monday 11 December 2023)
  3. The Christ: A sign of contradiction (Monday 18 December 2023)

The Series is free and open to all. Register here. Or get the links directly from Mike at

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Rector of St James, Cupar and St Mary, Ladybank

The Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane is very pleased to announce the appointment of the Revd Sarah Miller as Rector of the charge of St James, Cupar and St Mary, Ladybank. The service of Institution will take place later this year, and an announcement about the date will be made shortly. Sarah will be warmly welcomed to her new ministry by the congregation to St James’ and St Mary’s, and to her new home in Cupar.

Sarah was ordained in the Diocese of Norwich, and has served in a number of parishes, in Norfolk, Manchester, Gloucestershire, and Newcastle, and most recently assisting in the Diocese of Edinburgh while engaging in further academic studies. Sarah will be very welcome as she joins us in the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane.





Message from Revd Sarah Miller

I am delighted to have been appointed Rector of St James’ and St Mary’s and look forward to working with you in Cupar and Ladybank.

I have been a parish priest in the Church of England for most of my previous ministry in Manchester, Tewkesbury and Newcastle-upon-Tyne.  Since leaving my last post, I have been on a volunteer placement in India, studied at New College, Edinburgh for a Master of Theology degree and had a time of discernment with a religious community in Oxford, the Sisters of the Love of God at Fairacres.  I now look forward to bringing the enrichment of all these experiences to ministry at St James’ and St Mary’s.

I have loved Fife since early student days in St Andrews and have enjoyed getting to know the Scottish Episcopal Church.  It will be wonderful to return to Scotland and serve in the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane.

I look forward so much to meeting you all and sharing in ministry with you.

With warm greetings


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It is a pleasure to welcome Ian Boa as Office Administrator and PVG Co-Ordinator at the Diocesan Office. Ian brings a wealth of Church and administrative experience, and is a very welcome addition to the Diocesan Team. Thank you to Eleanor and Holly and to Brendan Grimley, for keeping things going during the vacancy.

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We are delighted to announce the appointment of the Rev. Aaron Jackman as rector of St Saviour’s, Bridge of Allan and St Madoc’s, Doune. We hope Aaron will be instituted in November or December. He is currently priest in charge of St Peter’s, Musselburgh we all look forward to welcoming Aaron and his family to the Diocese.
I am excited to soon be assuming the role of Rector of St. Saviour’s, Bridge of Allan & St. Modoc’s, Doune. After two rewarding years as Priest-in-Charge of a church in Musselburgh, my wife, our two children, and I are eagerly looking forward to establishing long-term roots in this vibrant community. Bridge of Allan and Doune, nestled in the heart of Scotland, offers not only breathtaking natural beauty but also the warmth and hospitality of its residents. I am excited to embark on this journey of service, faith, and community, and I look forward to getting to know and serving alongside the wonderful people of this area.
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Farewell lunch for Karen.  Back Row: Brendan Grimley and Bishop Ian.  Front Row: Eleanor McGourty and Karen Keifer

Thank you and appreciation to Karen Keifer as she leaves us this month, after serving for 3 years as Digital Missioner. Karen has achieved so much for us, helping charges to become equipped for online worship, and the Diocese to improve online communication. Please pray for Karen as an Ordinand at SEI as she begins her training for ministry

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The Holy Eucharist is celebrated in the beautiful 17th Century Chapel of St Michael & All Angels at Glamis Castle on two Sundays each month.  On Sunday 1st October the Service included the annual Thanksgiving for the Harvest.  This is a real offering of the community at Glamis Castle.  Wheat is grown on the Strathmore Estate.  Leading to Harvest bread, along with a cheeky harvest mouse, baked in the Castle kitchen by Wendy.  Grapes grown by Des and his team, in the Walled Garden, were offered along with a variety of fruits and vegetables which are mentioned in the Bible.


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At St Mary, Dunblane, on Saturday, 23 September, 2023,  Rachael Wright was ordained priest.














The newest priest in the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunblane and Dunkeld with her Bishop and colleagues. Congratulations Rachael!

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