Evensong at the Cathedral Sunday 28th October 2018


Evensong on Sunday 28th October at 4.30pm in the Cathedral is an opportunity for members of congregations throughout the diocese to come and worship and have time to meet Bishop Ian and his wife (Carrie) in a more relaxed and informal occasion. If you could let the Diocesan Office know you will be attending so that catering for the event can be arranged.   Contact: 01738 580426 or email office@standrews.anglican.org


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The consecration of our new Bishop, The Revd Canon Ian Paton will take place on Saturday 20th October 2018 at noon.   Because of the number of people who would like to attend this event, we have had to limit the numbers by having a ticketed event that is by invitation only.

The Consecration will be live streamed from the Cathedral on the Scottish Episcopal Church website and Facebook page.  You can find the live streaming page here:                  http://scotland.anglican.org/livestream


This will enable congregations to watch the event online or possibly even meet with others in the congregation and make it a time of fellowship.

Photos of the Consecration will be posted on Facebook as quickly as possible and will be available on this website and the Provincial website.

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It was Rev. Canon Alan Tilson’s last Sunday with St Columba’s, Stanley, on Sunday 23rd September.  and they asked if it might be a Harvest Thanksgiving.  This was not only for the harvest but for all the love, care and generosity Rev. Canon Tilson has shown this small community during his many months with them.  St Columba’s just wanted to thank him for everything he has done.  It was greatly appreciated.



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Members of the Mothers’ Union of St Andrews and Brechin Dioceses came together at St Kessog’s,  Auchterarder on August 9th  to celebrate Mary Sumner Day with a eucharist and an inspiring talk given by Rev Tracy Dowling, the rector of St Kessog’s,  followed by lunch and an opportunity to socialise.  In her homily, Tracy introduced the theme of the day ‘God’s Unruly Women’, by speaking about Mary Sumner and the Canaanite woman of Matthew 15:21–28, two women of great faith who pushed against the cultural norms of their day.

Mary Sumner homily – Tracy Dowling

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28th July,2018, the day of our first Diocesan Pilgrimage to St Andrews, was a day to remember. It was a day of sunshine and showers, a day for prayer and song, conversation and laughter.

Those hardy souls who tramped the first five miles from the picturesque village of Ceres were rather damp when they arrived at Craigtoun Park. It was easy to distinguish between them and those who joined them for the second half of the journey but the excitement grew as we caught a glimpse of the twin towers of the Cathedral of Saint Andrew in the distance. The sun had dried clothes and hair by the time we arrived at Hallow Hill where even more pilgrims were waiting for us.


A long line of about 70 walkers threaded their way along the Lade Braes towards St Andrew’s Church. There were Episcopalians from Newport on Tay and Tayport,  Leven, Glenrothes,  Lochgelly and Kinross, Dunfermline and Rosyth, Aberfoyle, Doune, Dunblane and Dollar, Stirling, Perth, Blairgowrie, Forfar, Cupar, Ladybank and St Andrews. There were Catholics from Tayport and Dundee, Methodists and members of the Church of Scotland, two medievalists from Glasgow University and a couple who live near the Camino in France.


We arrived at our destination in bright sunshine and then made our way to All Saints for a welcome cup of tea and evensong. Thank you, Alasdair Coles and Nick Cooke for organising the pilgrimage, to all who led the reflections along the way and the final worship, including Bishops Bruce and Bob, and to the two churches for their hospitality.

There was talk of another pilgrimage next year and some were even planning a trip to walk the Camino. In the meantime, should any church group like to walk part of the Fife Pilgrim Way in the coming months, Alasdair would be happy to be your guide. He can be contacted at alasdaircoles@btinternet.com.


Nerys Brown

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The Photography as Prayer exhibition will be touring the diocese in September and October. There was an excellent response to the appeal for photographs reflecting the life of the diocese.  All 50 entries will be displayed in each of the six host churches.  There will be a launch event which will include a reflection by photographer and Lay Reader, Ian Scott from St Margaret’s Leven,  and time to pray together.    Thereafter there will be an opportunity to view and respond to the images.  Twelve of the photographs will be selected for our diocesan calendar which can be viewed and ordered at these events.

If you would like to have the exhibition in your church or church hall during November or December, please get in touch with Reverend Nerys Brown on nerysannjones@aol.com


Photography Exhibition Poster 2018

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