

In place of the usual Diocesan Clergy Conference in January, clergy are invited to an online day Conference on Tuesday 19 January, on “Being Church after Covid.”

The Conference will be led by Dr Richard Tiplady, Director of Mixed-Mode training at SEI. The aim will be to give us some ideas to explore and some possible steps to take.

The day will have 5 sections, with good breaks between them:

– 3 sessions led by Richard, each of 1 hour duration including input, group discussion, and questions:

  • Church and Ministry in a Time of Covid
  • Leading in Times of Uncertainty
  • Pioneer ministry: learning and experimentation in mission

Richard will provide a handout for his sessions, and some pre-reading.

– An open session to share experience and concerns about ministry

– Simple, short online worship together

To facilitate setting up the Zoom link, please register now for the Conference with Carol at

A podcast of Dr Richard Tiplady in discussion with URC minister Stewart Cutler on “Church and Ministry after Covid”, “Leading When You Don’t Know Where You’re Going”, and “Pioneer Ministry”,  can be viewed at

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It’s time to enrol your child. This year it is being done online here:…/enrolling-your-child-at…/

St.Mary’s does not have a catchment so you also need to complete a placing request here: or here:…/pla…/placing-request-form/

St. Mary’s is open to all children from across Stirling, and beyond and has spaces in every year group. You do not have to have a religious affiliation to apply.


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Congratulations to the Revd Bonnie Evans-Hills, who was formally welcomed and Licensed by Bishop Ian as Priest-in-Charge of St Margaret, Leven on 5th November. Lay Reader Ian Scott and members of St Margaret’s took part in the service. Bonnie in fact moved to Leven to begin her ministry at the start of lockdown, making a Service of Institution impossible at the time. Bonnie brings with her a wealth of experience in ministry and in inter-faith dialogue, and is very welcome as she joins us in this Diocese.

Other services of welcome and Licensing will be taking place, under Covid restrictions, during the next few weeks for other members of the clergy who have begun new ministries in the Diocese since March.

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As there are no collective acts of remembrance this year, St Serf’s, Burntisland, encouraged people in the town to knit poppies which we then displayed in a cascade on the side of the church. This is a ‘borrowed’ idea (thank you, Dunblane!) but very effective.

Rev. Carol Latimer

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