To read Bishop Ian’s latest Pastoral Letter please click the link below:
Appeal for St Columba’s Stanley 2024
Bishop Ian gave his Charge to Synod in two parts, the first in the morning and the second in the afternoon.
Click here to read both in full
Part 1 (morning session)
‘I am the vine,’ says Jesus. ‘You are the branches. Those who abide in me and I in them bear much fruit.’
Part 2 (afternoon session)
‘I am sometimes asked questions like, “Does the Church have a future?” The question disturbs me, but my main feeling about it is that it is the wrong question. The real question seems to me more like, “Does the future have a Church? And what will it be like?” For me, it’s a better question because although I don’t know the answer, I trust in a God who does.’
On Discipleship
from the Clergy Conference, 6th-9th February 2023
Fortieth Anniversary
The 20th October was the fortieth anniversary of Bishop Ian’s consecration. After a short service of thanksgiving in the cathedral he was presented with a gift by the Dean to mark the event.
Pilgrim’s Progress
Over the next year, Bishop Ian is making a pilgrimage around our Diocese.
In this video, Bishop Ian describes this pilgrimage:
Visit this pilgrimage page to follow his ‘Pilgrim’s Progress’.
I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to everyone involved in the Consecration service at St Ninian’s Cathedral on 20th October: Provost Hunter Farquharson and everyone at the Cathedral; Carol Aitchison and the Diocesan Office; Geoff Bolton, John Kitchen and the combined Choirs of St Ninian’s and Old St Paul’s; the Primus and College of Bishops; and Bp Richard Holloway, who gave the sermon (a link to a copy of the sermon will be available here soon). It was a day of celebration and prayer like few of us have experienced, and the warmth of your welcome was felt very much, and continues to be felt, by me and by my wife, Carrie.
We are now so very happy to be here with you, and living in the new Bishop’s House in Perth. The house is only a few streets away from where my father was brought up, so this feels like a homecoming in more ways than one.
I hope to meet as many of you as I can at the Diocesan Evensong in St Ninian’s Cathedral on Sunday 28th October at 4.30pm, and in the next few months as I visit churches and communities, and I am looking forward to that very much.
With blessings and thanks,
Bishop Ian
The Rev Canon Ian Paton (Bishop Elect for the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane) has been Rector of Old St Paul’s Church, Edinburgh since 1997, and is also honorary Anglican Chaplain to Edinburgh University, Canon of St Mary’s Cathedral, Edinburgh and Associate Tutor at the Scottish Episcopal Institute.
He was previously a rector in East Lothian, Vice-Provost of St Mary’s Cathedral, a university chaplain in Oxford, a bishop’s chaplain, and a curate in Reading. He is a former convener of the Scottish Episcopal Church’s (SEC) provincial Liturgy Committee, involved in writing new services for the SEC, and continues to teach worship to students training for ministry. He is a supporter of the ordination of women, the rights of LGBTQI people, and the inclusion of people of all ages in the Church.
Canon Ian Paton is married to Carrie and they enjoy art and poetry, hospitality around the dinner table and have a love of the sea.
The Diocese of St Andrews Dunkeld and Dunblane
28a Balhousie Street
Office Tel: 01738 443173
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