Launch of Diocesan Participative Art Project

Launch of Diocesan Participative Art Project

The Diocese has launched an artistic activity drawing on our missional purpose that underlines all our climate change and wider environmental actions. It is intended to be enjoyed in each of our churches within the Diocese and when it comes together for Diocesan Synod 2025, the installation will bring hope, be thought-provoking and a sign of our discipleship.

The activity is to colour in one (or more) of the leaf-shaped images and/or petals. This may be completed as individuals, as a group, as a study tool perhaps during Advent or Epiphany, in any way whatsoever. Simply print off the pages desired. The completed images should be sent to the Diocesan Office before or by 12th January 2025.

The artist, Antonio Maggi, could not be present at the Diocesan Environment Gathering on Sunday 22nd September when this was launched, but sends this message to us. In the video he refers to Rev Lara Dose, Rector of Holy Trinity, Dunfermline who liaised with Antonio to commission this work.

Participative Art across the Diocese colouringbook

Rev Canon Elaine Garman, Convenor of Diocesan Environment Group and Rev Canon, Liz Baker, Convenor of Mission Board