This Saturday 19 Nov, as well as on Saturday 3 December, you are invited to attend a Zoom session given by Petko Marinov, a colleague in the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway, on some tips to make digital communications and social media easier and clearer.

We hope to provide complementing sessions over the coming months and throughout 2023, with some events being diocesan-focused and others open to all. If you cannot make it to these upcoming sessions but wish to attend others, please let me or Petko know.

Watch for a session on (digital) mission in 2023!

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Bishop Ian is very pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Lara Dose as Rector of Holy Trinity, Dunfermline. The service of Institution will take place at Holy Trinity on Tuesday 6th December, St Nicholas’ Day, at 7.30pm, when Lara will be welcomed to  Holy Trinity and to the Diocese. All are welcome, and Diocesan clergy and lay readers are especially asked to attend (robing – alb and white stole, surplice and blue scarf).

Lara has been serving in the Diocese of Chelmsford as Priest in Charge of St Andrew with St Agnes, and Town Centre Chaplain, Romford, and says “I’m enthusiastic about working with the congregation to develop future growth.”  Lara will be very welcome as she joins us in the Diocese.

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The Revd Canon Cedric Blakey is making arrangements for a another Provincial Pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 2024.   He states:   Working with McCabe Pilgrimages who provide secure travel arrangements including partnership with a Palestinian Christina company in the Holy Land which books the hotels, lunch stops, coach and driver, and our professional local guide.  We get to meet local people, the “living stones” including hopefully the current Archbishop Hosam Naoum, if he is available, stay in both Israeli and Palestinian hotels, and cover a great deal of ground in a short period of time.  It is at heart a Christian pilgrimage.

The price includes everything including return flights from Edinburgh, transfer, hotels, all meals, entrance fees and tips.

If this is of interest to you please see the attached poster for Canon Cedric’s contact details.

Holy Land trip 2024

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Is your church in Perth and Kinross Council Area and is your church thinking of opening to offer a warm space for your community.  If so please find attached details regarding the Cost of Living Community Fund which is open for applications.

This fund has been designed to support groups and organisations with the following:

  • Providing a warm space, with social or other activities in your community
  • Providing refreshments and / or food as part of these activities
  • Providing warm packs to households, including items to help people stay warm over the winter

Successful applicants will be notified within 10 days of submission.

Further information can be found here: Cost of Living Community Fund – Perth & Kinross Council (

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Dear friends,

Next Thursday, 20th October, will be the 4th Anniversary of my Consecration as your Bishop in 2018. I will be giving thanks to God that day, by celebrating the Eucharist at 11.00am in the Lady Chapel of St Ninian’s Cathedral. If you will be in Perth at that time, please come and join me, and if you will be elsewhere please pray for me and for our Diocese.

I value the prayers of every congregation whenever you pray ‘for the Bishop,’ and want you to know how much they have been appreciated, and needed, over the last 4 years.

With my thanks for all your support and encouragement since 20th October 2018, and for the joy of serving as your Bishop,

+ Ian

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A wonderful celebration on Sunday 2nd October in the cathedral, when Rachael Wright was ordained deacon.

Rachael is pictured here with Bishop Ian, Rev Nerys Brown who will be her training Rector at St Mary’s, Dunblane, and Revd Canon Liz Baker, Rector of the Highland Perthshire charges where Rachael worked for three years as a mixed mode ordinand.

Bishop Ian sums up the day: ‘The Church of God has been changed… we have a new Deacon!’


Click here to see video of Bishop Ian’s sermon on service and discipleship based on Jesus washing the disciple’s feet (John 13) after Mary of Bethany had anointed his (John 12).



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