Shrove Tuesday is more commonly known as Pancake Day and has always been marked at Holy Trinity by a party.

The Pancake Party has been a marker in Holy Trinity’s calendar and whilst always with food has been accompanied in the past by Music, Ceilidhs and now the YF lead Quiz.

Shrove means confess and is a time when traditionally the cupboards were emptied in preparation of the fasting of Lent. Pancakes were a simple way to use up what was left and have them in turn become part of that tradition.

56% of people vote lemon as their top topping , this was one of many facts in the Quiz which included trying to guess the highest pancake toss (9m 47cm) or the most pancakes eaten in an hour (1092) at Holy Trinity the record being 19. Why not join them next year and see if you can beat it?

Many Pancakes at Holy Trinity Church, Dunfermline, with many toppings.


At St Andrew’s, St Andrews, a rectory full of small people for the pancake party.



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Clergy and Lay Readers from the diocese gathered at St Peter’s, Kirkcaldy for the first diocesan study day this year. In the morning they reflected on the coming Sunday’s Gospel reading and shared their thoughts on mission, ending with midday prayer led by Revd Christine Fraser.

The afternoon session was led by the LGBT+ group from Kirkcaldy High School and their teacher Paul Murray.

Bishop Ian thanked the visitors for their open and helpful workshop.  In appreciation of their presentation Bishop Ian presented the group with a sculpture by the artist Timothy Schmalz of the Homeless Jesus.



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It is nearly time to start their Summer opening time for visitors!!   They love showing their newly restored building to visitors but could do with more volunteers to welcome people.

If you think you could help please let the Cathedral  know. They would be extremely grateful (and might even show you where the biscuits are kept!)!

Contact details are:  01738 632053 or




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Ash Wednesday was a shared occasion for Perth’s two city centre St John’s churches. At 1pm there was a service at St John’s Kirk and at 7.30pm there was a service at St John the Baptist. The clergy: Rev John Murdoch and Rev Graham Taylor and the congregations appreciated this opportunity to worship together and hope to build on this renewed fellowship in the coming months and years.


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St James the Great, Dollar, is delighted to announce that the Revd Christopher Lowdon has been appointed as their new Rector.   Revd Christopher Lowdon is coming from the Diocese of Sodor and Man and is Vicar of Maughold and South Ramsey (Isle of Man).

Details of date of institution will be confirmed when available.

Please hold Christopher and family, the people and community of St James’, and the people of Maughold and South Ramsey in your prayers.


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Highland Perthshire Quiet Afternoon ‘Remembered Dust’ at Croftcarnoch. Images and clay figures were used to reflect on the nature of our creation from dust. The figures were left to return to the earth.

Born of earth, in starlight
shaped by the dust and bones of the land,
rooted, rooted deep in red earth,
Adamah, the mounded one.
Creature of earth, dew, wind,
Spirit filled with breath of God
who clothes in light our sacred dust.”


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St Anne’s church was a peaceful space filled with snowdrops and candlelight during the Coupar Angus Snowdrop Festival. Refreshment of a different sort was available in the church hall, where Vintage Teas were served.

Photo taken inside the church.

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Three candidates have been short-listed for election to the office of Bishop of Glasgow & Galloway, following the retirement of the Rt Rev Dr Gregor Duncan in October 2018, having served the Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway as Bishop since 2010.


The three candidates have been selected by a Preparatory Committee consisting of clergy and lay church members from the Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway and across the wider Scottish Episcopal Church. The next stage in the election process is a meeting of each of the candidates with an Electoral Synod (representatives of clergy and lay church members from the Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway only).  That meeting will take place on Saturday 9 March with the election of the new Bishop on Saturday 16 March.


The candidates are:

The Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth, Provost of St Mary’s Cathedral, Glasgow.


The Rev Dr Michael Paterson, Director of the Institute of Pastoral Supervision & Reflective Practice, consultant in spiritual care for NHS Education for Scotland and assisting priest at St Margaret’s, Rosyth.


The Rev Canon Dr Scott Robertson, Rector of St Margaret of Scotland Church, Newlands, Glasgow.


Commenting on this stage of the process, Acting Bishop during the episcopal vacancy the Most Rev Mark Strange, Bishop of Moray, Ross & Caithness and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church says “I thank members of the Preparatory Committee for the work they have done and am delighted that three candidates are being nominated to the Electoral Synod.  We hope that the discernment in the Electoral Synod will enable them to elect a new bishop who will lead the Diocese of Glasgow & Galloway in its future ministry and mission, and ask that we hold each of the candidates and the Diocese in our prayers during this process.”

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