Representatives from congregations across the Diocese gathered for the rededication and reconsecration of St Columba’s
Dear friends, I am writing to you as the new Convener of the Diocesan Communications Group. The Diocesan Communications group supports the work of all communications within our Diocese. Some
The Revd David Gordon was licensed as Priest-in-Charge of St Michael’s, Elie and St John’s, Pittenweem on Thursday 1st August at 7pm in St Michael’s, Elie. David and his family
Diocesan Gathering 22 September (afternoon) The Diocesan Environment Group invites every congregation in the Diocese to the second Diocesan Environment Gathering, Sunday 22 September 2024 at St Ninian’s Cathedral, during
On Sunday 28th July Dean Graham welcomed Revd Mariusz Wojciechowski as a new member of the clergy team at St John’s. His wife Anna was in the congregation and also
I would like to repeat my thanks to all the congregations and people who gave generously to my Lent Appeal for the Nari Dana ‘Ray of Hope’ project in Kolkata.
Denis Fitzsimmons – Lay Reader at St John’s, Alloa, has very sadly died. Denis served the congregation of St John’s faithfully and lovingly during their long vacancy, and he is
THANK YOU to others who are leaving the Diocese: The Revd Dean Norby – retired on 1 August as Rector of the All Souls Group of churches in south Fife.
The Diocese of St Andrews Dunkeld and Dunblane
28a Balhousie Street
Office Tel: 01738 443173
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© 2024 The Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane | A diocese of the Scottish Episcopal Church | Scottish Charity Number SCO17654 | The Scotttish Episcopal church is part of the world wide Anglican Communion