Aberlour Trust

At the end of September Aberlour Trust got in touch to say that they learned that following a submission to the UK Third Sector Awards, they have won the Fundraising Campaign of the Year for their COVID Emergency appeal to raise funds for their Urgent Assistance Fund.   Well done to Aberlour for their efforts and gaining this award especially when we know they were up against UK wide charities – the Big Boys – and they won!

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Dear Friends,

I am delighted to share with you all the link, to sign up to the Youth Gathering event on Saturday 20th November 10am-3pm at Perth Cathedral.  The sign up link on Eventbrite is below.  When you register you will also see a link on the event home page, to another form to be filled in for the event.

This link includes the workshop sign ups and  lunch options , so please make sure your Young People who you have in your charge who are coming complete it as well. The system will let me know if someone hasn’t done the MS Form, but have booked a ticket, so I can sent it out directly to anyone if required.


Best Wishes.



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On the third anniversary of Bishop Ian’s consecration, we pray:

Heavenly Father,
shepherd of your people,
who called your faithful servant Ian
to the care and nurture of your flock:
may we, taught by the example of his holy life,
grow by grace into the full stature
of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ;
who lives and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, world without end.

The photo shows Bishop Ian with other pilgrims on September’s Diocesan Pilgrimage.

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I am looking forward very much to the four Area Gatherings and would like to invite as many people as possible from every Charge to attend the Gathering in their own area. The Gathering is a time to express that we belong together in a Church that extends beyond our own congregation and that we are called to support and encourage one another in neighbouring Charges and in the Diocese.

Details about place and time have been sent to you by your Area Council Convener and Secretary. The dates are:

St Andrews West Area   Saturday 23rd October

St Andrews East Area    Saturday 30th October

Dunkeld Area                 Saturday 6th November

Dunblane Area               Saturday 13th November

At each of the Gatherings there will be worship, arranged by members of the Area Council, workshops at which I and members of the Diocese will give information and invite comments and questions about plans for Pilgrimage in 2022, and for Climate Change action in the next few years. We will be giving you practical ideas and resources to take back to your Congregations.

Please make sure everyone in your congregation knows about your Area Gathering, and if possible responds to your Area Council as requested in the information sent out, or to the Diocesan Office who will pass on the responses (office@standrews.anglican.org).

With warm regards and thanks,

Bishop Ian


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It was wonderful to welcome Godly Play Scotland and members from all over the Diocese to the Cathedral on 9th October, for the Godly Play discovery day. The day was filled with reconnecting with each other and take part in the ‘wondering’ and responding activities thought out the day.

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Glamis Harvest

Harvest Thanksgiving took place in the Chapel of St Michael & All Angels, Glamis Castle, on Sunday 3rd October 2021.  The offering included a harvest loaf made with wheat grown on the Strathmore Estate and baked by Wendy, the baker at the Castle.  Produce, including grapes, grown in the Castle gardens was provided by Des, the Head Gardener.  Hymns were accompanied by fiddle music played by congregation member Sandy.


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