Mothers Union members of the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane with Brechin Diocese held their first Silent Vigil on Saturday 27th November, a day that was bright and sunny, yet with an amber weather warning for fierce winds for Perth, courtesy of named storm ‘Arwen’.

Several of our members, especially those living in areas for which there was a red weather warning (signifying a risk to life), had reluctantly accepted that it was much too dangerous to be outdoors and that, instead, they would support us from home in prayer.

Accordingly, only a small group of Mothers’ Union (MU) members and supporters, including our Bishop, The Right Revd Ian Paton, were able to gather at St John’s Episcopal Church, Perth for the Silent Vigil.  In our Christian tradition, worship is normally carried out indoors, but well fortified by tea/coffee and biscuits, we moved outdoors to the courtyard garden of St John’s Church to deliver our witness in public view.

We were led in prayer by Revd Kim E Lafferty, Rector of ABC Saints and an MU member, who had created this service for our event.  As our campaign was focussed on the fact that 1 in 3 women globally are victims of violence or domestic abuse, we wore the MU purple scarves and badges carrying the logo ‘no more 1 in 3’ and had MU leaflets to hand out to passers-by giving details of the annual United Nations campaign ‘16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence’.  We opened with a welcome and call to worship, moved through opening prayers and confession, to a bible reading.  Next, came very moving intercessions where Revd Kim led us in naming and praying for an end to the domestic and sexual abuses that our society traditionally hides or ignores.  Revd Kim then removed her MU scarf from around her neck, refastening it over her mouth, powerfully symbolising that abused women often have no voice, before leading us into silence from 1.03 pm – 1.06 pm.  Our worship ended with closing prayers and a blessing.

I found it enormously refreshing and empowering to worship outdoors with like-minded individuals, bearing witness to my faith and publicly naming and shaming the various forms of abuse that have been a scourge to our society for generations.

Isabelle Pottinger

MU Diocesan Trustee (Social Concern)

Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane with Brechin Diocese

December 2021

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With holiday season coming up, we thought you might be interested in purchasing a tree or trees in our World Interfaith Harmony Grove as presents for relatives and friends. We would like to offer the opportunity to obtain a free certificate to accompany your gift. This would be in electronic form and can be sent to you as a picture (PDF or jpeg), a GIF or a video. Please see the examples attached to this email.

You can purchase a tree or trees for any special occasion. Just send me the name of the person you are buying for on their behalf, the occasion and the number of trees you have purchased so that I can add this to the certificate.

If you plan to make a gift of a tree please do so at the link below for the World Interfaith Harmony Grove, using the ‘Add to this Grove’ button and then let me know if you would like me to send you the e-certificate via email and what format you would like it in (see above).



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Our first in-person ministry study day for some time was organised by Elaine Garman on behalf of the Continuing Ministry Development Group, and hosted by the welcoming congregation of St John’s, Perth.

Revd Dr Jenny Wright, a former assistant rector in the Scottish Episcopal Church who is now chaplain to the Archbishop of York, challenged clergy and Lay Readers from our diocese to think deeply about the Theology of Climate Change. During the morning all ministers joined St John’s congregation at their midweek celebration of the Eucharist, led by Bishop Ian using the liturgy for Creation.

Prayer stations were set up around the room that had been used for COP26 at St Andrew’s, St Andrews and ministers were invited to engage with them.

A very informative and thought-provoking morning!

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In a beautiful service of Evensong yesterday, the Diocese, led by Bishop Ian, celebrated the installations of our new Dean and four new Honorary Canons at St Ninian’s Cathedral in Perth:

Congratulations to the Very Revd Graham Taylor, Revd Canon Celia Matthews, Revd Canon Kenny Rathband, Revd Canon Professor Trevor Hart, and Lay Canon Dr John Ferguson Smith!

Revd Canon Kenny Rathband and his wife, Ruth, were also honoured for his time as Dean from 2007 to 2021.

Joining the choir were children from the Ardvreck School Chamber Choir from Crieff.

The full service is available to view on the Diocesan YouTube channel:

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Please pray for Bishop Anne and her family, and give thanks for Millie.

The College of Bishops offers deep and sincere condolences to friend and colleague the Rt Rev Anne Dyer and her husband Roger following the loss of their beloved daughter Millie.

Millie, who was 30 years old, died peacefully last night after a long illness.

Bishop Anne and Roger said: “Millie lived a courageous life, refusing to be defined by sickness. She was compassionate and kind, a firm Christian and feminist, ever mindful of the needs of the poorest.

“We thank God for the gift that Millie has been to us. She now rests in peace and will rise in glory.”

The College asks all members of the Scottish Episcopal Church to join with them in prayer for the family at this very sad time.

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A bright and lovely gathering of the Dunblane Area Council at St Saviour’s in Bridge of Allan on a bright and beautiful day was the perfect culmination of the Area Council Gatherings.

We’ve had so many wonderful discussions at each one, and meaningful and lively conversations have been started. Let us continue these!

And let us continue to see opportunities to gather… as pilgrims on the way facing some of the most important issues of our time.

WE CAN DO THIS…together.




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