The Rev Bonnie Evans-Hills has been honoured in the 2022 Lambeth Awards for her long-standing dedication to building interfaith relationships.

The Priest-in-Charge at St Margaret of Scotland in Leven, Fife, is one of 37 recipients from across four continents. The awards, announced on Tuesday by the Most Rev Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, are given to people within the Church of England, the wider Anglican Communion, other Christian churches, as well as to those of other faiths and none.

Musicians, activists, clergy, peacemakers and educators are included, alongside people whose quiet dedication to their work hasn’t drawn the public eye.

Ms Evans-Hill was at Lambeth Palace to collect The Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation from the Archbishop. The award was made for “her decades-long passionate dedication to building interfaith relationships at local, national and international level for the sake of a better world”.

Commenting after the ceremony, Rev Bonnie said: “It is a huge honour to receive this, but really the honour belongs to all who have shared their journeys, and stories of courage and love.”

Announcing the awards, the Archbishop said: “The world around us is not as it should be. There is grave injustice and we currently face war in Europe, while Covid-19 continues to cause much grief. But we do not despair. Our faith in Jesus teaches us that we are justified in maintaining hope. One thing which feeds that hope is the work and service of the people we recognise today.”

The Most Rev Mark Strange, Bishop of Moray, Ross & Caithness and Primus, said: “We in the Scottish Episcopal Church are absolutely delighted that the Rev Bonnie Evans-Hills has received this award which recognises her long commitment to interfaith relationships. We are also delighted that she is putting all her talents to work on behalf of our Church as Convener of the Provincial Interfaith Relations Committee.”

The current Lambeth Awards began in 2016. Recipients are recognised for contributions to community service, worship, evangelism, interfaith cooperation, ecumenism and education.

(Picture shows the Most Rev Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, the Rev Bonnie Evans-Hills, the Rev Fiona Souter, chaplain at University of Hertfordshire, and the Rev Canon Jane Richards from the Diocese of Chelmsford)

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The conflict unfolding in Ukraine following invasion by Russian forces has been a shocking sight to witness over the past week.

Civilians are under attack and many thousands have had to flee Ukraine as refugees. We pray for peace.

Many of us have asked: how can we help? What can we do to support those who find themselves involved in a war they do not want?

Local initiatives are taking place across the country to provide funds and supplies for the vulnerable and those whose lives are at risk, and international aid agencies are appealing for support.

For those who would like to help but are unsure how to go about this, the College of Bishops would like to highlight two national donation schemes:

The Disasters Emergency Committee (DEC) Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal: Among the DEC partners are Christian Aid, the British Red Cross, and Tearfund. The UK Government has pledged to match donations from the public to the DEC fund, pound-for-pound, up to £20 million

The UK for UNHCR:

As Bishop Mark Strange, Primus, said when the conflict began: “As Christians we are called to be people of prayer. Our prayer is for peace, and also for the strength to offer ourselves in the service of others.

“Let us pray for peace, and prepare ourselves to offer support where it is needed.”

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Dear all

We wanted to let you know that the two events that we held for World Interfaith Harmony Week are now available to view on our YouTube channel:

Protecting Mother Earth through Mindfulness and Prayer


Pilgrimage to Places of Worship: Stories of Hope from Women of Faith


We hope you enjoy watching them as much as we did attending them!

Best wishes


National Development Officer

Interfaith Scotland

Flemington House

110 Flemington Street

Glasgow G21 4BF

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