With both its building and organ fully restored to their former glory, Perth Cathedral St Ninian’s is proud to present a recital of fantastic organ music performed by its newly appointed Cathedral organist Geoff Bolton.
The organ recital will be preceded at 430pm by a traditional Choral Evensong of music, psalms and prayers led by the choir and choristers of Perth Cathedral. Welcoming people of all faiths, Evensong is an opportunity for peace and escape from the busyness of everyday life.
Festival audiences are welcome to attend from 430pm for both Evensong and the recital (refreshments served in-between) or to attend at 6pm for the recital only.
Free admission. There will be a retiring collection for the Cathedral and the Festival.
The Diocese of St Andrews Dunkeld and Dunblane
28a Balhousie Street
Office Tel: 01738 443173
General: office@standrews.anglican.org
Media: media@standrews.anglican.org
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