St Serf’s, Burntisland, receive special environmental award

St Serf’s Episcopal Church in Burntisland was delighted to receive a special environmental award last Sunday [1st September 2024] as the congregation celebrated the first Sunday in the Season of Creation.

Eco-Congregation Scotland trustee, Finton Hurley, presented their Bronze Award for stewardship of the environment to Geoff Smith, convenor of St Serf’s Eco Group.  MP Melanie Ward, along with local Councillors, Lesley Backhouse, Kathleen Leslie and Julie MacDougall joined representatives of environment groups to celebrate this achievement.

Over the past year, St Serf’s fellowship has enthusiastically taken up various activities including tackling some “Lifestyle Challenges” during Lent, supporting Christian Aid, purchasing Fairtrade products, and creating a bee and butterfly friendly garden.

Reverend Carol Latimer said, “We are very keen to put the stewardship of Creation at the heart of our church life. Membership of Eco-Congregation Scotland has helped us to direct our efforts even more effectively, and their Award Scheme is a great incentive to find further ways to put into action the Scottish Episcopal Church’s drive to achieve Net Zero by 2030.”

Back row, L to R:

Reverend Canon Elaine Garman (Diocesan Environment Group Convenor), Melanie Ward MP, Councillor Lesley Backhouse, Finton Hurley, Sarah Young (both Eco-Congregation Scotland), Councillor Julie MacDougall

Front row, L to R:

Councillor Kathleen Leslie (with nephew Finlay), Geoff Smith (St Serf’s Eco Group Convenor), Reverend Carol Latimer (St Serf’s Priest), Reverend Elaine Ryder, Dorothy Peterson (both St Serf’s Eco Group), Bethany Nelson (Provincial Net Zero Empowerment Co-ordinator)


Geoff Smith (St Serf’s Eco Group Convenor), Finton Hurley (Eco-Congregation Scotland)