New Priest in Charge, St Margaret’s, Rosyth


What a start to Holy Week! In the morning we celebrated Palm Sunday, processing with our palm crosses into the Cathedral from the Chapter House to begin our celebration of the Eucharist.
In the afternoon our choir, with a few extra occasional members, gave a moving performance of Faure’s Requiem.
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Please pray for the Revd Ian Boa and his family, as he is ordained Priest, at Holy Trinity, Stirling on 21 April at 3.00 pm. Clergy are welcome to robe (alb and white stole) and lay readers also – please inform the Diocesan Office if you are coming.

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Chrism Mass

The Chrism Mass this year is at St Ninian’s Cathedral on Maundy Thursday 28th March at 11.00 am. At this service the Oil of Chrism (for Baptism) and the Oil of Healing (for the Sacrament of Healing) are consecrated, the Clergy re-affirm the promises of their Ordination, and Lay Readers re-affirm the commitment made at their Licensing.  This is a very important re-dedication of ministry in the heart of Holy Week.

Clergy (in alb and white stole) and all Lay Readers (in cassock, surplice and scarf) are invited to participate, together with all those involved in ministry, and all members of the Diocese are invited to join them.

Clergy should bring emptied and cleaned Oil Stocks, to be filled for ministry in the coming year.

Lunch is being provided, so please let the Diocesan Office know if you will be coming, how many will come from your congregation, and if you have special dietary requirements.

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A wonderful day of Celebration to welcome Bishop Marinez to our Diocese and to celebrate our Diocesan link with the Diocese of Amazonia in Brazil.

In the afternoon there was a Diocesan Evensong to welcome Bishop Marinez to the Diocese. During the Evensong service the former Provost of St Ninian’s Cathedral, Perth,  The Very Revd Hunter Farquharson, was made an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral.

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Revd Sarah Miller was instituted as Rector of St James the Great, Cupar and St Mary’s, Ladybank, on Wednesday 31st January, 2024.  The  institution was well attended by clergy from around our own diocese. Refreshments were provided at the end of the service which were greatly enjoyed and it was a chance for the new Rector to meet and get to know other clergy and congregation members.
We extend a warm welcome to Sarah as she begins a new ministry among us.
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We are delighted to announce that St John the Baptist Perth has been awarded an Eco- Congregation Scotland Silver Award in recognition of their work and commitment to caring for creation. Eco-Congregation Scotland is a movement of Scottish church congregations, of all denominations and none, committed to addressing environmental issues through their life and mission. (Please see our website or appendix one of this press release for more details about our vision, values and mission.)

For further information please click the link below:

Eco Congregation Scotland Silver Award

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We will be celebrating the feast of Candlemas with a Diocesan Evensong in Perth Cathedral, at 3pm on Sunday 4th February.

We will be joined at this service by Bishop Marinez Bassotto from the diocese of Amazonia. Bishop Marinez and Bishop Ian will reflect on the life and work of their respective dioceses, and an Honorary Canon will be licensed and installed.

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There was a buzz of excitement this week as Revd Aaron Moffat-Jackman was instituted as Rector of the newly-linked charges of St Saviour’s, Bridge of Allan, and St Modoc’s, Doune. The church of St Saviour’s was packed for Aaron’s institution, which was attended by ministers from around our own diocese, other dioceses and other denominations. It was followed by an opportunity for all to mingle and meet as refreshments were served.
We extend a warm welcome to Aaron as he begins a new ministry among us.
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Please pray for the Revd Aaron Moffatt-Jackman and his family, as he is instituted as Rector of St Saviour, Bridge of Allan and St Modoc, Doune. The event shall be held at St Saviour’s Church, Bridge of Allan at 6pm on the 18th January. Refreshments will be provided at the end of the service.  Clergy are invited to robe (alb and white stole) and lay readers also.


Please pray also for the Revd Sarah Miller as she is instituted as Rector of St James, Cupar and St Mary, Ladybank.  The service will be held at St James the Great, Cupar at 7.00pm on the 31st January. Refreshments will be provided at the end of the service.

Clergy and lay readers are invited to robe (alb and green stole) and lay readers also. There is not room to robe at the church itself, but robing can be done at the Corn Exchange Hall roughly 60 yards from the church.

If you wish to attend please notify Holly Scott, Bishop’s Secretary

T: 01738 443173   I   M: 07485927984


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