

Welcome to clergy who are taking up new roles in the Diocese:

The Rev Paul Singh – is coming as Rector of the new linked charge of St John’s, Forfar and St
Mary’s Kirriemuir. Paul will be instituted on Thursday 4th July at 6.30pm, at St John’s, Forfar.
Paul and his family will be joining us from the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway, and they
are very welcome.


The Revd David Gordon – is coming as Priest-in-Charge of St Michael’s, Elie and St John’s,
Pittenweem. David will be licensed on Thursday 1st August at 7pm in St Michael’s, Elie.
David and his family will be joining us from the Diocese of Brechin, and they also are very

Please pray for Paul and David as they prepare for their new ministries, and for their families
moving to a new home. And, especially if they will be part of your Area Council, I encourage
all clergy and lay readers to come to the Institution or Licensing.

Bishop Ian


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As I reported at Synod in March, St Columba’s Church, Stanley is being renewed and refurbished in preparation for the Diocesan curacy which will start there at the end of September. I hope that a service of Re-Dedication will take place on the anniversary of St Columba’s original dedication in 1898, 18th August. I will confirm this nearer the time.

As I reported, St Columba’s has no reserves or funds of its own, and the renewal is being funded by Provincial and other grants and by the Diocese. But some more support is needed.  I am asking every congregation to consider making a financial donation to the Diocese for St
Columba’s. Whether your charge can afford £500.00 or £25.00, your gift will help us to re-open the church for worship and begin to serve the growing community with a growing church.  Some congregations might prefer to give towards something tangible. St Columba’s needs 30
new chairs, which cost £110.00 each. Would your Vestry give the cost of one chair, or a number of chairs?

Thank you very much to those charges that have already contributed. If yours has not yet considered it, please use the link below to inform them and your congregation, and send your donation as soon as you can, by Bank transfer to: Diocese of St Andrews
(SC017654 )Sort Code: 82-68-31, Account No: 00187750
using the Reference ‘Stanley 2024’.

Appeal for St Columba’s Stanley 2024

Bishop Ian

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I would like to thank you and everyone in your congregation for the overwhelmingly generous response to the Bishop’s Lent Appeal for the
Nari Dana ‘Ray of Hope’ project in Kolkata. The total raise so far is over £9,000, and there are some charges still intending to send their
contributions. Thank you, for this wonderful gift to women in Kolkata, and for the many lives that will be changed by your giving. Please pray for Nari Dana (“women’s wings” in Bengali) for the staff, volunteers, and the women whose lives are being transformed.

Bishop Ian

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On Sunday 21st April 2024 at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Stirling, the Rev Ian Boa was ordained into the Order of the Priesthood by Bishop Ian.
After the service there was the opportunity to enjoy an afternoon tea in the Church Hall.
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In the heart of Holy Week there was an important re-dedication of ministry in our diocese. At the Chrism Mass in St Ninian’s Cathedral on Maundy Thursday the Oil of Chrism (for Baptism) and the Oil of Healing (for the Sacrament of Healing) were consecrated, the clergy re-affirmed the promises of their Ordination, and Lay Readers re-affirmed the commitment made at their Licensing.


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This Easter Holy Trinity welcomes ‘The Lord’s Supper’ a visual expression of the inclusivity of God’s welcome for all people, no matter who they maybe. The image contains an  infinite variety  of people of all ages, races and conditions, so it is a symbol of how we as a church acknowledge that God’s love is for all without exception. The painting represents that solidarity and encourages us all (whatever we believe) to embrace our humanity and to embrace the humanity of all people. All are Welcome to the unveiling on Thursday 28th March at 1.00pm followed by Prayers for Peace in the Holy Land in the church.

The painting has been created for us by local artist Myette Godwyn and with the  help and support of Pitlochry Festival Theatre represents that solidarity and encourages us all (whatever we believe) to embrace our humanity and to embrace the humanity of all people regardless of religion, sexuality, gender, race, and ability and to embrace the whole of created order.

Myette writes: This is my interpretation of a modern-day version of the ‘Last Supper’ –

welcoming all to the Lord’s table, and took inspiration from Leonardo da Vinci’s

painting, in that he interpreted it for his Renaissance times and painted people

he knew.  Something very important to me, as a devout Christian, is that Jesus Christ welcomes all – he never judged or turned anyone away when he walked the Earth but challenged hypocrisy and fake religion. I am now a visual artist, theatre maker, playwright (member of the Scottish Society of Playwrights), director, and actor. Both my drama school principal tutors were Quakers and I used to stay at the Quaker meeting house when I performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. One thing that struck me and has always stayed with me since is their core value of ‘that of God in everyone”. All people can have a connection with God. All people are valuable and should be treated with love and respect.’ 

It has been a pleasure to work with Myette and The Festival Theatre to create, this image of love, diversity and inclusivity.

The Painting is on display in the Churchyard until 4th April and can be available for anyone in the Diocese to display and use at any time.

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The 25th march 2024 marked the end of the Warm Welcome initiative for this winter season.
A celebration lunch was on for offer today and all our volunteers who have welcomed people, made lunches and refreshments were recognised for all their efforts over the last 5 months.
Each volunteer present was presented with a certificate by the Community Learning and Development Worker for Perth City, Sue Holland-Smith, from the Community Learning & Development Team from Perth and Kinross Council who funded our warm welcome initiative.
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On the evening of 24th March 2024 at St Margaret’s Church Rosyth, some of the young adults and delegates who went on the Provincial Iona Pilgrimage led a presentation and Iona Service theme on peace and justice for Sunday @ Six, a great evening service leading us into Holy Week. The service and presentation was led by Sabine Pajak, with support and input from Lucy Peat, Andrew Wedge from Holy Trinity Dunfermline – Scottish Episcopal Church and James Gardner. After the service there was time for fellowship in the Crush Hall


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