
Diocesan Synod began with an opportunity to reflect on the day’s Gospel (Matthew 5.43-48).

During the Bishop’s Charge we heard about the work of the Casa Noeli in Brazil and the Arunima Hospice in Kolkata, both supported by partner dioceses of ours and the two causes supported by this year’s Bishop’s Lent Appeal. Bishop Marinez of Amazonia and Bishop Paritosh of Kolkata will both be visiting us in July prior to the Lambeth Conference and we will have opportunity to meet with them at a Diocesan Gathering on Sunday 9th July.

We were encouraged by Bishop Ian to make prayer and worship central to all we do as a diocese and as individuals.

Synod announcements and reports included an explanation of the simplified diocesan structure which we are already trialling, a report by the new Lay Ministries Group of work already underway to train and authorise lay people for specific forms of ministry, and an explanation of the work of Transitional Ministries.

Bishop Ian presided at the Eucharist which brought Synod to a close. During this celebration Lis Burke was commissioned as Warden of Lay Readers, Revd Dr Michael Paterson was commissioned as coordinator of Continuing Ministry Development, Revd Liz Baker was installed as a Canon of the Diocese and Revd Dr Alasdair Coles was installed as Synod Clerk and Canon of the Diocese.


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Chrism Mass – Maundy Thursday, 9th April, at 11.00am in the Cathedral. 

At this service the Oil of Chrism (for Baptism) and the Oil of Healing (for the Sacrament of Healing) are consecrated by the Bishop, the Bishop and Clergy re-affirm the promises of their Ordination, and Lay Readers re-affirm the commitment made at their Licensing.  This is a very important re-dedication of ministry in the heart of Holy Week.

– All members of the Clergy (in alb and white stole) and all Lay Readers (in cassock, surplice and scarf) are invited to participate, together with all those involved in ministry, and all members of the Diocese are invited to join them.

– Clergy should bring emptied and cleaned Oil Stocks, to be filled for ministry in the coming year.

– All are welcome at the service and the sandwich lunch afterwards.

– We hope to have a Choir at this service drawn from choirs across the Diocese. Please encourage any singers who would like to take part, to contact the Precentor at the Cathedral (Priest@perthcathedral.co.uk).

Please let the Diocesan Office know (office@standrews.anglican.org)  if you will be coming, how many will come from your congregation, and if you have special dietary requirements.

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At the second Safeguarding Day in 2020, about 80 people gathered from across the diocese to learn about the responsibilities we all share in keeping people safe in our church communities.

This was the second of three events planned by Robert Nellist, our Diocesan Safeguarding Officer, to provide introductory and refresher training in Safeguarding for all Clergy and Lay ministers, PVG Coordinators, and Vestry members. The first event took place earlier in the month and a third event will be scheduled later in the year for those who could not attend the first or second day.

Bishop Ian states: “It is very important that all those in ministry, and ideally all those in vestries, should attend one of the Safeguarding Days.”


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Work has begun on supporting lay ministries more systematically across the Diocese. For many years lay people have provided an essential part of the work of local churches. This effort is both vital and appreciated.

Bishop Ian, through the Ministry Committee, has established a working group to advise on, enable and co-ordinate training and resources for these ministries. There is also greater focus on lay ministries across the whole of the Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC) and our Diocesan group will ensure that we cooperate with the Provincial work aiding greater coherence and provision of resources.

Many congregations are taking the opportunity, when Bishop Ian visits the local churches, to license and relicense people who serve their church community. Bishop Ian says, “we have an enormous wealth of gifts and dedication in people throughout the Diocese. I appreciate how hard they work week on week. The task of the lay ministries working group is to help this wide range of people to do their best.”

As resources and training are developed, they will be available on the Diocesan website and advertised across the Diocese. If there are particular areas for which you think we should develop resources and/or provide training please contact Rev Elaine Garman (revelainegarman@outlook.com ).


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BREAD – Recently St James’ folk enjoyed an evening on the theme of bread – bread in the bible, then making wine and honey matzah bread followed by eating lots of our favourite breads. We all agreed – we like bread!

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Lay Readers from the diocese gathered together for lunch in Perth to record their thanks to Revd Bob Harley for his work as their Warden of Readers in recent years, and to give him a farewell gift and card for his retirement. He will retire as Warden of Lay Readers from the date of the Diocesan Synod on 7th March.

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