Chrism Mass – Maundy Thursday – 9th April at 11.00 am

Chrism Mass – Maundy Thursday – 9th April at 11.00 am

Chrism Mass – Maundy Thursday, 9th April, at 11.00am in the Cathedral. 

At this service the Oil of Chrism (for Baptism) and the Oil of Healing (for the Sacrament of Healing) are consecrated by the Bishop, the Bishop and Clergy re-affirm the promises of their Ordination, and Lay Readers re-affirm the commitment made at their Licensing.  This is a very important re-dedication of ministry in the heart of Holy Week.

– All members of the Clergy (in alb and white stole) and all Lay Readers (in cassock, surplice and scarf) are invited to participate, together with all those involved in ministry, and all members of the Diocese are invited to join them.

– Clergy should bring emptied and cleaned Oil Stocks, to be filled for ministry in the coming year.

– All are welcome at the service and the sandwich lunch afterwards.

– We hope to have a Choir at this service drawn from choirs across the Diocese. Please encourage any singers who would like to take part, to contact the Precentor at the Cathedral (

Please let the Diocesan Office know (  if you will be coming, how many will come from your congregation, and if you have special dietary requirements.




