New Provost of St Ninian’s Episcopal Cathedral, Perth


The Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane is very pleased to announce the appointment of the Revd Dr Stephen Holmes as Provost of St Ninian’s Cathedral, Perth, in succession to the Very Revd Hunter Farquharson, who retired in July 2023.


Stephen is currently serving as Rector of Holy Cross, Davidson’s Mains and St Salvador’s, Stenhouse in the Diocese of Edinburgh, having previously served as a parish priest in Cornwall, Associate Rector of St John’s, Princes St, Edinburgh, and Assistant Priest of Old St Paul’s with St Margaret’s, Edinburgh. Stephen’s Institution and Installation as Provost of St Ninian’s Cathedral will take place on Sunday 15th September 2024 at 3 pm.  All are welcome.


Sending his greetings to the Cathedral congregation and the Diocese, Stephen writes,

“I am delighted to be appointed as Provost of St Ninian’s Cathedral and look forward to moving to Perth with my family and getting to know the congregation, city and diocese. We have received a great welcome at St Ninian’s on past visits to Perthshire and I look forward to working with the Vestry and Bishop Ian to develop the Cathedral’s unique heritage as a centre of Christian mission and culture.”


Bishop Ian writes, “Stephen’s appointment marks an exciting new chapter for St Ninian’s. I am looking forward very much indeed to welcoming him and Izzie, with Bess and Mary (born at the end of May), and to working with Stephen as a colleague in ministry to the Cathedral, the Diocese and the City of Perth.”

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The Revd Canon Richard Grosse is being Licensed as priest in charge of St Margaret’s, Rosyth tomorrow on St Joseph’s Day, Tuesday 19 March at 6.30pm. Clergy are invited to robe (alb and white stole) and lay readers. All are welcome to attend. Please pray for Richard and St Margaret’s and this new beginning.

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Please pray for the Revd Aaron Moffatt-Jackman and his family, as he is instituted as Rector of St Saviour, Bridge of Allan and St Modoc, Doune. The event shall be held at St Saviour’s Church, Bridge of Allan at 6pm on the 18th January. Refreshments will be provided at the end of the service.  Clergy are invited to robe (alb and white stole) and lay readers also.


Please pray also for the Revd Sarah Miller as she is instituted as Rector of St James, Cupar and St Mary, Ladybank.  The service will be held at St James the Great, Cupar at 7.00pm on the 31st January. Refreshments will be provided at the end of the service.

Clergy and lay readers are invited to robe (alb and green stole) and lay readers also. There is not room to robe at the church itself, but robing can be done at the Corn Exchange Hall roughly 60 yards from the church.

If you wish to attend please notify Holly Scott, Bishop’s Secretary

T: 01738 443173   I   M: 07485927984


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We joined with the Presbytery of Fife recently to celebrate the beginning of a new ministry in Newburgh and Lindores, where the Revd Valerie Walker was commissioned as a Pioneer Ecumenical Community Chaplain.

Bishop Ian wrote:
I am so very sorry that ill health has prevented me from being present this evening. I am grateful to the Dean of our Diocese, the Very Revd Graham Taylor, for his willingness to stand in for me, and to the Moderator, Jim Reid, and the Clerk, David Coulter, for all their work to make this Commissioning possible.
This is such an important day for our two Churches, for the Diocese and Presbytery and for the Church in Newburgh and Lindores. After the St Andrew declaration committed us to work more closely together in service to the Gospel in our communities, Valerie’s Commissioning this evening, as Pioneer Ecumenical Community Chaplain, is sponsored by both the Presbytery and the Diocese. As a Scottish Episcopal ordained priest, Valerie will now be able to share her ministry of Word and Sacrament with the congregations in her care, and to serve the whole Church in Newburgh and Lindores.
I pray for Valerie’s new ministry that begins this evening, for her congregations and communities, and for the continuing partnership of the Diocese and Presbytery over many years to come, and in many other places in Fife.
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We were delighted to welcome Revd Lara Dose to this Diocese on Tuesday 6th December, the feast of St Nicholas. Bishop Ian instituted Lara as the 16th Rector of Holy Trinity, Dunfermline at a service attended by clergy and other ministers from the diocese as well as by members of the congregation and friends.
We welcome her, and hold her and the congregation in our prayers as they move forward together.
The photos show Lara with Bishop Ian in the church vestibule after the service, and Lara receiving symbols of ministry from the congregation during the service, accompanied by the Dean.
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