Dates for the Diary

Diocesan Gathering 22 September (afternoon)
The Diocesan Environment Group invites every congregation in the Diocese to the second Diocesan Environment Gathering, Sunday 22 September 2024 at St Ninian’s Cathedral, during the Season of Creation.

The event will be held in the afternoon and all are welcome.
Contact – the Revd Elaine Garman, Convener of the Diocesan
Environment Group

Continuing Ministry Development
The next CMD Day for those in authorised ministry will be held from 10 am to 3 pm on Wednesday 23rd October at The Threshold, St John’s Church, Princes St, Perth.

‘Accessible Church?’ will be led by the Revd Rosie Addis, Chair of Deaf Action, and Dr Léon van Ommen, Co-director of the Centre for Autism and Theology, University of Aberdeen. More information and registration nearer the time.