St Columba’s Stanley

Thank you to all the congregations who have supported the renewal of St Columba’s, Stanley, with your donations. The building is almost ready, and will re-open for worship on Sunday 4 August.

The Eucharist for the Re-dedication of the church will take place on Sunday 18 August at 11am, when we hope to invite local groups, other churches in the area, and friends from the Diocese. Seating is limited, but if you would like to come, please let me know – you will
be welcome.

The Diocesan Curacy will begin when Ross Stirling-Young is ordained deacon to serve as assistant curate in Stanley, linked to the Cathedral. The Ordination will be on Sunday 29 September at 3pm, and members of the Diocese are very welcome and encouraged to
attend. Clergy and Lay Readers are invited to robe – alb and white stole or cassock, surplice and scarf.

Bishop Ian