The annual retreat for members of the East Perthshire Action of Churches Together in Scotland  was held at Craig Lodge, Dalmally, a Catholic retreat centre in Argyll, during the first week of May. They were delighted that this was the place where the charity Mary’s Meals started. They watched  films showing how this charity now feeds over a million children in school every day worldwide.

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What a special Lent, Holy Week and Easter was experienced in Stanley this year.  They had the privilege of sharing services with their friends in the Church of Scotland.

On Palm Sunday the Rev’d Denise Herbert led them in a special service processing towards Jerusalem waving palm leaves as they went.

Sharing with their friends from the Church of Scotland in Stanley on Tuesday they enjoyed a meditative service on the theme of Beauty from Brokenness, on Thursday they challenged themselves to The Big Read, taking it in turns to read the whole of the gospel of Luke, a three hour thrilling read, equal to any good book!  On Thursday and Friday they joined together for Maundy and Good Friday services.  Some of them were with St Mary’s Birnam for an unusual portrayal of the events leading to the crucifixion as if it were a Breaking News item from Jerusalem.

On Easter Day, with the church beautifully decorated they were led by the Rev’d Frances Forshaw in a wonderfully uplifting service.  A wonderful time of fellowship followed the service with some delicious home baking.

Christ is risen, He is risen indeed.  Hallelujah!

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Clergy and authorised ministers from across the diocese gathered in St Ninian’s Cathedral for the Chrism Eucharist at which oils were blessed for Chrism and healing and they all renewed their commitment to ministry.

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