St Mary’s will be hosting the annual Mary Sumner Day celebration and commemorating 130 years of the Mothers’ Union in Scotland. Everyone is welcome to the service and lunch. The exhibition of banners and historical display will be open all weekend.

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Come to a concert at St Modoc’s on Friday 26th July at 7.30 pm, by the Kyiv Classic Accordion Duo. They play a range of classical and traditional pieces in a way that sounds like a full orchestra!

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As part of the Aberdour Festival, the two churches in Aberdour, St Fillan’s Church of Scotland & St Columba’s Episcopal Church, will be having a Flower Festival. St Columba’s will be open from Thursday 1 August to Saturday 3 August between 11:00 am and 16:00 pm & on Sunday from 13:00 to 16:00. The Flower Festival will culminate in a joint Songs of Praise service on Sunday 4 August at 19:00 pm. All are welcome.

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There were celebrations at St James’ with Chris and Tracy’s 25th wedding anniversary and the 86th birthday of one of the congregation. Very Best wishes to them!

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There was a great turn out for Cafe Church again on Wednesday 10th July, 2019. Those present heard all about the work of the Order of St. John’s, from guest speaker John Ferguson-Smith, and all the wonderful things they do with eye treatment in the Holy Land.  Delicious cakes again too!!


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On Easter Sunday, we said goodbye to Rev. Dr. Margaret Dineley as she prepared to move onto her next stage in ministry and life. It was highly appropriate to celebrate with Margaret on Sunday 21 April, seeing that Easter Sunday marks new beginnings!

Margaret spent many years offering ministry to the congregation of St. Finnian’s and in our local community of Lochgelly. Progressing from Lay Reader, ordination to the diaconate and then the priesthood in 2015, Margaret worked closely with nursing homes in the area ensuring ministry to those who were unable to attend church.

Since selling her home and moving to live with her partner Ian in Edinburgh, her next stage in ministry has already begun taking up the role of non-stipendiary Assistant Priest at St. Cuthbert’s in Colinton.

Although we were sad to see Margaret leave us at St. Finnian’s, we are of course delighted for her future life in Edinburgh.

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