Please pray for those who are preparing for ordained ministry as we approach the dates of the Ordinations in the Diocese:

– Revd Annie Hughes, preparing for Ordination to the Priesthood at St John, Perth on Friday 2 October at 7.30pm.

– Dr Josh Cockayne, preparing for Ordination to the Diaconate at the Cathedral on Sunday 4 October at 4.30pm.

We hope very much that the Ordinations will go ahead on these dates, but because of the Pandemic they have to remain provisional until nearer the time. If the present regulations for public worship are still applicable, the services can be attended by up to 50 persons and other restrictions will apply. Please pray for our ordinands as they prepare in such times.

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Welcome to the Revd Steve Butler, Licensed as Priest-in-Charge of St Michael, Elie and St John, Pittenweem on 1 August.

A small message from Rev’d Steve Butler:

I’ve come to a half-time post at Pittenweem and Elie, after 20 years of stipendiary ministry – mostly in Leith. I grew up in Glasgow, and went to university in Edinburgh. After a few years working in property, I did my theological training at Trinity, Bristol. After that, I spent ten years as a musician and record producer, before being ordained in Edinburgh. Anne and I have been married for 38 years and have three grown-up children and two grandchildren. I look forward to meeting you in the months ahead.

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For clergy Licensed during the Lockdown, Kathy Barrable at Newport and Tayport, Bonnie Evans-Hills at Leven, Lesley-ann Craddock at Birnam, and Gerry Dillon at Central Fife, a public Service of  Welcome (similar to an Institution) will take place when it becomes possible.

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Welcome to the Revd Stephen Graham, who has been appointed as Chaplain at Glenalmond College starting in September. And thank you to the Revd Charles Sherlock who has so generously been giving time and service as acting Chaplain.

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CMD Events

A number of events over the next year have been planned by our Coordinator for CMD, Dr Michael Paterson. The first event is on 4 September, 10.00 to 11.30 on Zoom. “Church Countering Racism”.  This will be led by Dr Anderson Jeremiah, a Lecturer in Theology at Lancaster University.  Please let Carol Aitchison, Bishop’s PA, know if you would like to take part.

Please click the link below for details of the events:

Dates for CMD Events

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Thanksgiving for Ruth Warmer, Lay Rep of  St John’s, Pittenweem, who died in Shrewsbury in July. Ruth was a faithful servant of the Diocese as well as her congregation. A memorial service will take place in St John’s on 3rd November, on what would have been Ruth’s 90th birthday. May she rest in peace, and rise in glory.

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Thank you to the Revd Canon Alison Peden supporting St Mary, Aberfoyle and St Andrew, Callander, and the Revd Canon Alasdair Coles supporting the East Perthshire Group (Alyth, Ballintuim, Blairgowrie, Coupar Angus) during their vacancies.

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St James, Dollar celebrated its Patronal Feastday on Sunday 26th July. To help everyone join in the celebration a card with St James photos and a supportive and prayerful message from Fr Chris and the Vestry was delivered to all members.

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