The first instalment of Drama Kirk’s Easter Story for children, taken from Bob Hartman’s Rhyming Bible, is now live! 

You can find it here: 

Four subsequent videos will be posted weekly, on the same channel, between now and Easter. Please feel free to use this resource to share the story. 

The poems are as follows:- 

Waiting in Line – This poem introduces Jesus and lets us hear about various things he has done – and how wants to see children!

The Clip Clop Beat – On Palm Sunday, Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey. Let’s hear about what happened in a fun rap. 

Body and Blood – The last meal Jesus shared with his friends. Find out what happens and what he tells them will happen next. 

When Jesus Hung Upon the Cross – We look at what Jesus said on the cross and what happened that first Good Friday. 

No More Crying – It’s not the end of the story! Jesus’ friends are sad…but not for long. Something amazing is about to happen! 


Liz Blackman

Creative Director

Drama Kirk 


Twitter: @PlayLanarkshire

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