Scottish winners of Good News competition announced


There is to be a visit to Scotland by Hugh Morris, Director of the RSCM, is making next week. Hugh will be leading a number of events as part of his visit including a Meet the Director event on Friday 5 November at 7.30 p.m. which will include a brief workshop on Peter Nardone’s recent flexible mass setting – the Kilcreggan Mass. This piece has been taken up by a number of congregations across the UK and is proving popular with congregations and choirs alike.

For further information please click the link below:

On Saturday 6 November Hugh is directing our annual Singing Day at Dunblane Cathedral.

For further information please click the link below:




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The Bursary is awarded annually in memory of Bishop Haggart, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church (1977-85). It aims to help finance sabbaticals or other similar leave of absence on the part of those in ministry in the Scottish Episcopal Church (Lay Readers and clergy) at a stage in the person’s life when such an experience will significantly enhance his or her development. The outcomes of the project should also be of benefit to the wider Church. A committee will convene in February 2022 to make the next award totalling up to £1,300. To apply for the Bursary, please request an application form from Mrs Linda Harrison  and return to her by Monday 10 January 2022.

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At the General Assembly in May 2021 and at the General Synod in June 2021, the Church of Scotland and the Scottish Episcopal Church each voted to adopt the Saint Andrew Declaration.

Church leaders, clergy, and members – in fact anyone with an interest in promoting ecumenical work between the churches in Scotland – is invited to an online day conference, to be held on 30 November to mark and celebrate the adoption of the St Andrew Declaration.

Following the conference, a service will take place to celebrate the St Andrew Declaration, during which the Most Rev Mark Strange, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church and Lord Wallace of Tankerness, Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland will sign the Declaration. It will be held at 4.30 p.m. on 30 November in St Mary’s Cathedral, Palmerston Place, Edinburgh. All are welcome. The service will also be available on live-stream.

Further information and how to register to take part can be found

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Aberlour Trust

At the end of September Aberlour Trust got in touch to say that they learned that following a submission to the UK Third Sector Awards, they have won the Fundraising Campaign of the Year for their COVID Emergency appeal to raise funds for their Urgent Assistance Fund.   Well done to Aberlour for their efforts and gaining this award especially when we know they were up against UK wide charities – the Big Boys – and they won!

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