New Rector for St Kessog’s, Auchterarder and St James’, Muthill


I am very pleased to announce the appointment of the Revd Duncan Strathie as Rector of the linked charge of St Kessog, Auchterarder and St James, Muthill.

Duncan comes with a great deal of experience in forming and training candidates for ministry and as a parish priest, most recently in the Diocese of Birmingham. Duncan writes:

“I am very excited at the prospect of serving the people of St James, Muthill and St Kessog, Auchterarder as their new Rector, and I am looking forward at reconnecting with my roots. My wife Katrina shares my excitement. For the past seven years I have been vicar of Moseley in in the city of Birmingham – a suburban village with two churches. Moving to Auchterarder will offer a welcome contrast. The folk from the two church communities that I have already met have been so warm and welcoming, that I am really looking forward to meeting others in Muthill and Auchterarder and the surrounding area.”

Duncan will be instituted as Rector at the end of March 2023, in time for Holy Week and Easter. I am looking forward very much indeed to welcoming Duncan and Katrina to the Diocese. Please pray for them, and for the congregations of St Kessog and St James as they prepare to welcome Duncan and Katrina to their new home.

Bishop Ian

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Press release

On Wednesday the 30th November 25 local people gathered together to say No More 1 in 3 as part of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based violence.

Why 1 in 3?

Because we know that, globally, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been subjected to physical or sexual violence at least once in their life; that in the UK 1 in 2 women and 1 in 5 men feel unsafe walking alone after dark in a busy public place, and that 1 in 5 girls feel unsafe at school.

Organised by Revd Gennie Evans of St Serf’s Episcopal church and Revd Criag Dobney, of Comrie Parish Church 25 folk stood, in solidarity and remembered all sorts of people  affected by violence and called for a change.  Many also prayed out loud. The Episocpal Bishop of St Andrews, Dunblane and Dunkeld,  Ian Paton  spoke of how we can change this.

Together we can end abuse and violence.

Comrie Vigil – St Kessog’s Square Wednesday 30th Nov

11.30am to 12 Noon

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With an Introduction From Bishop Ian

Dear friends,

Mission is what God is doing in the world, reaching out to people, being alongside them, being present in your community and in the world. And as Rowan Williams said, the Church’s mission is to see what God is doing and to join in. That should involve every member of the Church, everyone can contribute to that mission.

The Diocesan Mission Board, made up of ordinary members of congregations and convened by Canon Liz Baker, has the task of helping us with our mission, not telling us how to do it, because only we know our own communities, but to encourage and equip us all to join in God’s mission in the world. They are reaching out to you in this Letter to let you know what they are doing and how they can support you and your congregation in mission – reaching out and opening up to the world and your community.

Warm regards,

Bishop Ian

Christmas Greeting to you all from The Mission Board

Mission Board Members are writing to you this Christmas with good wishes and many blessings for the season, for the work you all do, and for 2023. Next year in January the Province will launch a ‘Season for Christian Life’. This will be concerned with supporting the whole of our church as it reflects on what it means to live out baptismal promises. Planning for this season began at the end of 2021, the season itself will probably extend for at least three years, possibly for five and will encompasses the Mission of God’s Whole Church ‘to make disciples of all nations’

But lets be honest, it can be very daunting, for a congregation to look upon these words and then act  upon them. The Diocesan Mission Board is here to support you with oversight, guidance and some resources for your missional work in your charge.

Ways we can help:

How to reach out into your communities to communicate the love of God through Jesus into your community today (church members or not).

How to talk about the big issues of our time in relation to the Gospel and in a way that speaks to people today. This is what Jesus does throughout his ministry in the Gospels, he speaks to those he encounters in a language they can understand. He tells stories that inspire and challenge, listens to people and truly hears them, and while not always giving easy answers is consistent in proclaiming God’s love for his people, a love that will heal, forgive, and lift burdens if only humanity will hear and believe. As his present-day disciples we must do likewise.

So what can you do in your churches to reach hearts and minds?

  1. Take small steps – what you do doesn’t need to be large and all encompassing, small steps are important. Such as opening the church for prayer daily, mission does not need to cost lots of money or time. Your church itself is a presence in the community and there are examples around the Diocese of ways to expand that presence simply and effectively.
  2. Run A Course- If interested in running a course for your congregation and community, we would love to support you in this. Some suggested courses for you to explore are The Alpha Course , The Pilgrim Course, the Parenting Course and The Bereavement Journey to name a few
  3. Talking about Big Issues:

Example: Climate Change is one of these;

To speak authentically  we  need to keep a biblical perspective, knowing that God is the Creator, that humankind are made in God’s image, and are commanded to be good stewards of God’s creation, so a ‘triangle of relationships between God, humanity and the earth’[1] Making the issue of Climate Change an illustration of the disintegration that results from displacing God from the relationship of God, humanity and earth, all of which can be reconciled in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We hope to bring you, working together with the Ministry Board and our constituent groups, resources for our Charges on issues like this.

Now we know that hope is a powerful force in our lives, so as we make the journey  through Advent to the manger at Bethlehem and  the birth of the Christ Child, the hope and light of the world, let us remember that we are the ‘hands and feet ‘ of Christ on earth today, and in any way we can, let us together continue to bring that gift of hope, love, and peace that the angels brought for the world that first Christmas Day.

“Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Saviour has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10-11).

With our very best wishes

The Mission Board


[1] From ‘Climate Change and the Gospels’ David Atkinson 2015

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Dear all

With holiday season around the corner, we thought you might be interested in purchasing a tree or trees in our World Interfaith Harmony Grove as presents for relatives and friends. We would like to offer the opportunity to obtain a free certificate to accompany your gift which will be sent to you as a jpeg or PDF file (an example is attached).

Just send us the name of the person you are buying for on their behalf, the special occasion (if there is one) and the number of trees you have purchased so we can add this to the certificate.

If you plan to make a gift of a tree please do so at the link below for the World Interfaith Harmony Grove, using the ‘Add to this Grove’ button and then let us know if you would like us to send you the e-certificate via email.

You might notice on the website that they offer certificates. However these cost £11.99 and we are offering them direct via Interfaith Scotland for FREE if you send us all the details directly.

Certificates should be requested by Tuesday 20th December in order to get these to you before the holidays.

With thanks and good wishes


National Development Officer

Interfaith Scotland

Flemington House

110 Flemington Street

Glasgow G21 4BF

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There is still an opportunity to sign up for the Diocesan Young Peoples Gathering being held in St Ninian’s Cathedral, Perth on 20th Nov from 10am-3pm. A range of exciting workshops are on offer, a chance to meet up with other young people from the Diocese and lunch will be provided. Bishop Ian will be attending on the day and you can meet with him before closing the day with worship(to which parents/guardians are warmly invited) composed by members of the Diocesan Young People’s Forum.

For further information and to sign up, please follow the link below to the Diocesan Website. Booking will close on 14th November at 5pm.

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St Mary’s congregation in Birnam were delightful hosts for the Dunkeld Area Council Gathering on Saturday.

We enjoyed wonderful fellowship, meaningful conversation around Climate Change issues and Pilgrimage, and experienced the importance of being together.

Stay connected in your congregations and your Area Council to engage in important conversations and learn how you and your community can make a difference… together!

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