Songs of Praise at St Ninian’s Cathedral


St Ninian’s Cathedral in North Methven Street, Perth are hosting BBC Songs of Praise on Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th March 2017.

Doors are open at 1.15pm for 2.30pm – 5.30pm on both days for the Recording Sessions.

Spaces are still available in the Cathedral for both days.  To book your free ticket, please phone the Cathedral on 01738 632053 or BBC Songs of Praise on 0161 335 8429.

The Choir Rehearsal takes place on Saturday 11th March 2017 in St Leonard’s-in-the-Fields, Marshall Place, Perth from 2.30pm – 5.30pm.

All those who have applied for a ticket are also welcome to come to this rehearsal.

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The Revd Roy Anetts was instituted in St James the Great on Friday 24th February 2017 by the Bishop, The Most Revd David Chillingworth, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church.

Roy and his wife Kate have moved up from Birmingham to take up this post of Rector of St James and is also the Rector of the small church of St Mary’s, Ladybank, which is a Dependent Congregation of  St James.

The photograph shows, Roy with The Very Revd Kenny Rathband, Dean of the Diocese on the left and Bishop David on the right.


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The ever-popular BBC One programme, Songs of Praise, is coming to St Ninian’s Cathedral, Perth. The recordings will take place on the afternoons of Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th March.

The producer, Garry Boon, says: “These recordings give local singers a great opportunity to come together to enjoy two wonderful afternoons of music-making for broadcast on BBC One. For Christians in the area it’s the chance for a wonderful ecumenical expression of their faith.”

The conductor will be Gordon Stewart, a professional organist of international renown, who has been one of the regular conductors on Songs of Praise for over 20 years. A native of Dundee, his first appointment as an organist was at Dundee Methodist Church at the age of 14. He subsequently worked in cathedral music for many years and has become one of the UK’s most popular organists. Keen singers are invited to join a specially-formed massed choir under his direction who will lead the viewers at home in the singing.

Admission will be by free ticket. Singers and those wishing to be in the congregation are welcome to attend one or both recordings. They can apply by going to the ‘Tickets’ page of the Songs of Praise website, by e-mailing, or by telephoning 0161 335 8429.   The deadline for all ticket applications is Tuesday 28th February. The music recorded will be broadcast in future editions of the programme.

Songs of Praise celebrated its fifty-fifth anniversary in October last year.

Dave Stanford, executive producer, says: “The world has changed a lot in five and a half decades, but Songs of Praise has continued to thrive thanks to those who join together to raise their voices and inspire our audience week after week. I do hope lots of people in Perth and thereabouts will want to be part of this exciting event.”

There will be an additional practice for participating choirs on Saturday 11th March at St Leonard’s in the Fields, Perth


For further information please contact:

The Songs of Praise website is


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The Most Rev David Chillingworth has today announced that he will retire as Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane and as Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church at the end of July this year.

Bishop David was consecrated Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld & Dunblane in 2005 and was elected Primus in 2009.

In his leadership roles in Scotland, Bishop David has consistently encouraged the church to become more missional. In his diocese, he has developed the Casting the Net initiative. In the wider life of the Scottish Episcopal Church, he encouraged the establishment of the Whole Church Mission and Ministry Policy. He believes that mission is rooted in faith commitment and in a deep understanding of history and context. He has worked to sustain the unity of the church as it addressed human sexuality issues.

Bishop David has also been deeply involved in the life of the Anglican Communion, serving as a member of the Anglican Communion Standing Committee. He has exercised leadership in Continuing Indaba, a movement which attempts to establish ‘honest conversation across difference in the cause of mission’ across the Anglican Communion. He also serves as the Anglican Co-Chair of the International Dialogue between the Anglican Communion and the World Communion of Reformed Churches. His work in the Anglican Communion was recognised by the award of an Honorary Degree from the University of the South at Sewanee, Tennessee

Ordained in 1976, Bishop David spent the next 29 years in the ministry of the Church of Ireland within Northern Ireland. Much of that time was spent in places which were deeply affected by the Northern Ireland conflict. Throughout that period, particularly as Rector of Seagoe Parish Church in Portadown, he attempted to develop ways in which churches could challenge the sectarianism which powerfully influenced communities and churches in Northern Ireland. During that time, he also served successively as Dean and Archdeacon of Dromore.

Throughout his ministry, Bishop David has given a high priority to communication. He is a regular broadcaster and for over ten years has written a blog at

In announcing his retirement, Bishop David said “it has been an immense privilege for me to exercise the interwoven ministries of bishop and Primus. The Scottish Episcopal Church has with increasing confidence been developing its mission and taking its place in the evolving story of Scotland.

“As the process for the election of my successor begins – and as God’s unfolding future for our church is revealed – I shall continue to hold this church and its leadership in my prayers.”

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st-margarets-120th-photoOn Sunday 20th November 2016 St Margaret’s Episcopal Church, Tayport, celebrated its 120th anniversary at a special service, led by Rev Jim Thomson, in honour of the church’s patron saint, Queen Margaret of Scotland.

The congregation of St Margaret’s were joined in this celebration by their friends from St Mary’s Episcopal Church, Newport-on-Tay. The organist was Iain Flett, and we were also treated to some fine violin music by his daughter Elisabeth.

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bishop-in-statesThe Most Rev David Chillingworth, Bishop of St Andrews Dunkeld & Dunblane and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church is this week attending the Diocesan Convention of the Diocese of Ohio, by invitation from the Bishop the Rt Rev Mark Hollingsworth. This is the beginning of the bicentennial year of the diocese and represents a new beginning in outreach and mission for them and also a focus on the link with Samuel Seabury. Bishop David preached at the Convention Eucharist, which can be read here. He also took part in a session for delegates on the Anglican Communion – sharing this with the Rev Gay Jennings, President of the House of Deputies of the General Convention of the Episcopal Church. You can read what Bishop David said at the Convention here. Continue reading Historic Strengths of Relationships

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Bishop_meets_Pope_optThe Anglican Centre is the presence of the Anglican Communion at the Vatican and is about to celebrate its 50th Anniversary. The Most Rev David Chillingworth is a Patron of the Centre and says “During this brief visit, I shall be meeting Vatican Officials as part of the underlying process by which our churches learn about one another. In my case, obviously, there is a specific focus on the developing story of Scotland and on ecumenical relations in Scotland”
Bishop David was presented to Pope Francis at an Audience in St Peter’s Square. He brought a gift and greetings from the Scottish Episcopal Church. Then, in an exceptional departure from precedent, the Pope also greeted Bishop David’s wife, Alison, and daughter, Anna, and gave them all gifts. They also had the opportunity of visiting St Peter’s Basilica when it was empty of tourists.

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