All Soul’s, Fife


The Drop In Group enjoyed an interesting discussion led by one of the members on Rogation days, challenges for food producers and the environment. We interspersed this with prayers from the Irish Franciscans for blessing our land and crops.

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The theme at Nitekirk this month was ‘By the shoreline’. This regular monthly quiet space allows time for reflection, contemplation and creativity too if you should so wish.


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Both churches took  part in a bring-and-share lunch that recognised the contribution made to their fellowship by Deacon Elizabeth Harfleet over the three years she had been with them. Jean and Gwyneth marshalled the splendid eats, much enjoyed by the 40+ people who stayed after the service, after which Sue and Mary presented flowers.



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Bishop Ian joined representatives from Burntisland, Inverkeithing and Aberdour to bless the new Rectory built on spare land next to St Columba’s in Aberdour. Afterwards he addressed members of the St Andrews West Area Council who met in the Church.


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St Saviour’s Episcopal Church are about to get a new roof.  This has been a long time in the planning and they are delighted it is now happening. Whilst the work is being carried out at St Saviour’s they will be coming over the road and using, their friends and neighbours at Bridge of Allan, Parish Church (Church of Scotland)building.

From the 9th June 2019, and for the duration of the works, St Saviour’s will be holding their Holy Eucharist (sung) and Young Church in the Parish Church from 9.15 to 10.30. All other services and their post-service teas and coffee will be back over the road in our own hall. It is greatly appreciated that the Parish Church welcome St Saviour’s to share their building during the building work.


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