St John’s, Perth – Cafe Church


St Anne’s congregation met in a member’s barn to celebrate Pentecost . About 40 people worshipped along with a Praise band and after the service led by Rev Janice Cameron they shared a picnic lunch. They made pipe cleaner figures of joy which were placed on the altar. A wonderful way to celebrate Pentecost on a sunny day.


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The congregation of St John’s, Perth are excited to welcome a new member to their ministry team at their patronal festival. Rob Mackay will be licensed as a Lay Reader at the 10.30 am service on Sunday 23rd June. We welcome Rob into his new role as an authorised minister of this diocese.

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With the Revd Denise Herbert leading them, their Pentecost service was of great Spiritual significance to them all.  The church was filled with the fire and light of the Holy Spirit, outwardly manifested in the streamers of fire, balloons and red candles, inwardly manifested in the deep knowledge of God’s presence with them.  After their service of rededication of themselves to God and of healing, with good rousing hymns they enjoyed celebrating the Birthday of the Church with cake and fizz – a very special day.

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