Institution of Revd Chris Lowdon – Saturday 13th July 2019


On Easter Sunday, we said goodbye to Rev. Dr. Margaret Dineley as she prepared to move onto her next stage in ministry and life. It was highly appropriate to celebrate with Margaret on Sunday 21 April, seeing that Easter Sunday marks new beginnings!

Margaret spent many years offering ministry to the congregation of St. Finnian’s and in our local community of Lochgelly. Progressing from Lay Reader, ordination to the diaconate and then the priesthood in 2015, Margaret worked closely with nursing homes in the area ensuring ministry to those who were unable to attend church.

Since selling her home and moving to live with her partner Ian in Edinburgh, her next stage in ministry has already begun taking up the role of non-stipendiary Assistant Priest at St. Cuthbert’s in Colinton.

Although we were sad to see Margaret leave us at St. Finnian’s, we are of course delighted for her future life in Edinburgh.

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It was a wonderful day at St John’s when Bishop Ian joined the congregation for their Patronal Festival and the Licensing of Rob Mackay as Lay Reader. As always many folk worked hard behind the scenes providing the glorious flowers, the joyous music and the sumptuous bring and share lunch.

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They had a packed church for their St Peter Day Service when they were delighted to welcome Bishop Ian to his first service with them. Following the service lunch was, as ever, enjoyed by all.

They also held a strawberry tea which was enjoyed by many, including neighbours from St Finnian’s, Lochgelly.

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There have been booming numbers of visitors to the cathedral over the last couple of months with over 400 visitors throughout June alone! As a result they have extended their opening times to seven days a week from 9am until 3pm. There are visitors’ guides in several different languages and there is always a friendly volunteer to welcome any visitors.

They also enjoyed a wonderful day of reflection through art recently. It was wonderful to see so much creativity!


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They enjoyed a weekend of music in Highland Perthshire: Friday at Holy Trinity, including Perthshire Brass Youth Band, and Saturday at St Andrews Strathtay. An amazing amount of fundraising and local talent.

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A busy day at the end of June. In the morning they manned a jumble stall at St. Serf’s Lochgelly, and in the afternoon shared in Open Air Worship with their ecumenical partners in Lochore Meadows.


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