St Andrew’s, St Andrews – Godly Play Group


St Anne’s took part in the Doors Open weekend on 7-8th September with the construction of a Sukkah or temporary Jewish shelter and visitors were asked what shelter meant to them . Some people made their own version of a Succah and also on display were works of art contributed by a class at Coupar Angus primary school. Inside the church was an exhibition of quilts and quilt making which visitors could look at while listening to a recital on organ and oboe. About 30 visitors came over the 2 days.

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On Sunday 8th September congregations of the Highland Perthshire Linked Charge, guests from around the Diocese and other friends gathered at Holy Trinity, Pitlochry as Rachael Wright was commissioned as Ordinand in Training to the Linked Charge. Rachael, training as a mixed mode student for 3 years with the SEI is placed in Highland Perthshire with the Rev Liz Baker. Rachael is both the first Mixed Mode Student in the Diocese but also the first to train in a rural setting. We wish her every success.


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Scottish Group Work Residential Gathering 2019  will be taking place from Tuesday 15th – Friday 18th October at St. Mary’s Centre of Spirituality, Kinnoull, Perth.

Please note that the Booking Form can be downloaded online and emailed to the BPF Administrator Mary Rodgers, or can be completed by hand and sent to her by post.

Printed copies can be accessed by request to the BPF Administrator, Whitfield Parish Church, Haddington Crescent Dundee DD4 0NA.

Founded on the groundbreaking insights of Dr. Frank Lake, BPF exists offer training for psychotherapy, counselling and related caring professions, especially for  those who work with people suffering from spiritual and emotional distress. Founded in 1962 as the Clinical Theology Association, BPF runs a variety of courses, conferences and care networks for those working full-time in these areas as well as for those who wish to focus on their own emotional development. A key element in our approach is that, in order to care for others, we must first understand ourselves. Much of our training, which is highly experiential, focuses on this.

Further information on the organisation can be obtained from our website:

Please click the below for further details:

BPF Scottish Residential Brochure October 2019

BPF Scottish Residential Application October 2019




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We had a goodly number of folk in church on 18th August which included a fair few clergy of which there were three Bishops (two retired), three Canons and two Priests. It was wonderful to hear from a friend of our Rector’s this morning Bishop Jim Currie. He has discovered an amazing retirement ministry turning weapons into objects of practical use. A number of people who have been injured by the use of weapons also have the opportunity to play a part in their destruction. Photo: Bishop Jim Currie his wife Kathleen and Rev Canon Graham Taylor


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