Retreat House on Iona – Winter Availability


Would you like a relaxing retreat/ getaway-from-it-all break on the beautiful Isle of Iona? Taking in the changing seasons in peace and tranquillity, with walks from the front door all around the coast? Then we have the very place……

A cosy self-contained flat located within the main building of Bishops House which has everything you need to enjoy your stay and take in the stunning scenery and wildlife that the island has to offer. The kitchen is well equipped with all you need to enjoy cooking meals or making up quick bites, a newly refurbished shower room and a lounge that has stunning views to the east overlooking the Sound of Iona and looking northward, views of Iona Abbey itself. The bedroom has two comfy single beds with ample storage.

Cost is £70 per night and a minimum stay of 4 nights.

Pictures are attached and if we have tempted you, contact the office at Bishops House on 01681 700111 or email for more information.

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At least one in three women globally will experience some form of gender-based violence at some point in their lifetime.  These numbers are unacceptable.

These statistics do not even include violence of women against men. Many men are too ashamed to admit to that this is happening to them.  But it does happen.

Gender-based violence (GBV) is any act of violence which is directed at an individual or group on the basis of their gender.  It is a violation of human rights and a form of discrimination, and now, due to a change in law, also includes coercive and controlling behaviour.  Gender-based violence occurs in every culture and context around the world and is carried out by a wide range of people including partners, family members, friends, those in position of authority, armed groups, strangers as well as the state.

Last year 2.4 million adults aged 16 – 59 had experienced domestic abuse.  How many more will suffer such abuse this year?  In 2018-19,  80 women were killed by their partner – how many more deaths due to domestic abuse will there be this year?

The police receive a call every minute about domestic abuse, with the woman being the victim in 89% of cases.  Yet the majority of cases are not prosecuted.  Indeed, of those cases that do go to court, only 8% result in conviction.  Furthermore, only 77 countries have legislation that criminalises marital rape.

The consequences of violence against women are many, including physical damage leading to chronic pain, induced abortions, disabilities and mental health issues, including PTSD and depression.

It is estimated 650 million women and girls are alive today who were married before their 18th birthday, resulting in early pregnancy, loss of schooling and social isolation leading to limited opportunities and increased risk of experiencing domestic violence.

Women aged 15 -44 are more at risk from domestic violence than cancer, car accidents, war and malaria.

What can we do?

The Mothers’ Union along with 6,000 organisations from approximately 187 counties are part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Campaign which takes place each year from 25th November until 10th December.

There is a Global Day on 5th December when we will all join together to stand against Gender-Based Violence.

Below are some web sites where you can find more information and help as well as on the Mothers Union website resources   then click on the information about the global day.

Restored – Ending Domestic Abuse, A Pack for Churches –

Restored – Handbook for Female Domestic Survivors of Abuse –

There are also a number of helpful resources and information throughout their website –

Anglican Consultative Council and the Anglican Alliance – Domestic Abuse and Covid 19 How Churches can Respond –

World Council of Churches – Thursdays in Black –


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St James’s is taking part in End Polio Now by fundraising through the Tour de Clacks event organised by Alloa Rotary Club in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Every £1 of registration money will be boosted to £3 for End Polio Now. With polio now only present In Afghanistan and Pakistan the goal is to have people throughout the world innoculated against the disease.

In addition, sponsor money collected by event participants will be donated to the participants’ own charities, in this case St James the Great Church. If you would like to sponsor Alun and Laurene who will be cycling round Clackmannanshire see details on St James Dollar Facebook page. For more info on the Tour de Clacks and End Polio Now see .  Photos to follow and hoping for the best autumn weather! @tourdeclacks @St James Dollar.


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Interfaith Scotland is delighted to inform you that they are offering funds of up to £500 to places of worship that are struggling to meet the safety requirements of re-opening their buildings and safely holding services (within Government Guidelines).

For further information please click the link below:

Places of Worship Fund

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On Sunday 4th October, 2020, Joshua Cockayne was ordained to the diaconate in the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane by the Rt Revd Ian Paton, at St Andrew’s Episcopal Church in the town of St Andrews. Revd Joshua Cockayne will serve as assistant curate at St Andrew’s.

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The ordination of Revd Annie MacKay Hughes took place on Friday evening,  2nd October 2020, in the Diocese of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane.  Rev Annie Mackay Hughes was ordained to the priesthood by the Rt Revd Ian Paton at St John the Baptist in Perth. Revd Annie Mackay Hughes will serve as assistant curate at St John the Baptist, Perth.

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The congregation of the Chapel at Glamis Castle celebrated their Harvest Thanksgiving on Sunday 4th October.  The offering included bread baked by a member of the congregation using wheat grown on the Strathmore Estates, and grapes grown in the Glamis Castle gardens.


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