‘Casting the Net’ is the way in which the Diocese of St. Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane thinks about, strategises for and administers ministry and mission.

Basic CMYK

Through the values and principles of Casting the Net, our diocese has been growing in mission since the initiative launched on Pentecost 2009.

The values and principles of Casting the Net are intended to engage the diocese as a whole. From the structures of diocesan committees, to the local engagements of individual congregations, the Casting the Net initiative seeks to put the Mission of God and the Church’s participation in that mission as the first order of business. The Nine Marks of Mission were developed to support our understanding of the values of Casting the Net, and to begin to define what mission is for our diocese. These were inspired by the work of the Diocese of Leicester.

Casting the Net is a living initiative. It is rooted in the life of each congregation, and in the life of the diocese. As such it has grown and changed over the years, and will continue to do so for many years to come. It is also an initiative rooted in the ancient heritage of the Christian Church and Scottish Episcopal traditions. Inspired by the story of the miraculous catch of fish in the Gospel of John, Casting the Net takes seriously both Jesus’ call to become ‘fishers of people’ and our need to rely upon the guidance and inspiration of God in knowing where to cast our nets. We trust that when we are attentive both to our traditions and to the lived realities of local culture we will learn how best to serve Christ and the Church by serving those who may be most in need of them.

Our goals since the 2012 review of the Diocesan Policy and Action Plan have been to

  • work creatively and supportively to develop mission-shaped communities of faith.
  • build confidence and encourage growth in our congregations through education, training and support.
  • build dynamic and loving relationships through which we share our faith and serve others.

We seek to engage each of these goals through four key mission and ministry areas:

For further information, please contact us.